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NEW Never-Ending Thread!!

Started by Bakster, February 04, 2006, 03:18:16 PM

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Let's start a game:

You know you have been playing too many computer games if...

...you go outside and complain that the graphics suck. Then you jump on your dog expecting gold to fall out.

Post your suggestions!


hmm, you eat food you find on the street, hoping it will heal your broken arm

you see a man in a suit, since hes wearing black, he must be evil, so you shoot him, then since after he fell down, he didnt dissapear, he must not be dead. so you shoot him a few more times.  after that, you go home, to look up a cheat to kill "the man in black"

click my egg to get ur own


...you talk to everyone in the street, and you wonder what's wrong as they don't repeat the same message over and over again.


WHOOOO forget that. Just got back from the best gig ever! Reel Big Fish kick ass!  :-*
I own. Bakster why are you never on Shizmoo?


Quote from: Dodger on February 24, 2006, 02:35:57 AM
WHOOOO forget that. Just got back from the best gig ever! Reel Big Fish kick ass!  :-*
I own. Bakster why are you never on Shizmoo?

This sounds about as random as:

Plastic Emails went "Cuckoo" as they walked over Tokyo'sFried Mountains in 1645.


Quote from: Dodger on February 24, 2006, 02:35:57 AM
WHOOOO forget that. Just got back from the best gig ever! Reel Big Fish kick ass!  :-*
I own. Bakster why are you never on Shizmoo?

I am, just when you're not on. And I play Kung Fu Chess more than Miniblast.



Sexy colourblind test!

I found out that I was a little bit colourblind... :'(


Seen that one. My friend started wearing glasses after taking that test.



Yeah and he went to the opticians, and they found he was also shortsighted. Hence, glasses.  :) Realising now that I should have said nothing as this was a big waste of my life.


That test was hard. I got all of them right except the last one, but I dont think Im colorblind. I just wasnt paying attention.


I lost my virginity to that test  : P


:o :o :o

Too bad I'm the only one logged on.

There were TONS of people on DuelBoard too. At 1:30 AM there were 17 people playing. Ridiculous.

Pre-Tournament Practice cramming  ;)


Let's try another game that will fail miserably as nobody will play it.

Word Chain

I start everyone off with a topic, and we list things until it isn't possible to think of any more.

Topic: Films

-The next film must start with the last letter of the previous film.
-Films cannot be repeated (regardless of if they were released multiple times)
-If a film starts or ends with a number, then write the number out as a word.
-No films in languages other than English

I think that covers everything.

Let's start with:

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The next film must begin with an 'E'!