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Strange Happenings.

Started by Grave, December 21, 2005, 08:20:49 PM

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hehehe, merry christmas everyone..

ok, i say coke is relaiable and fair.. well, the first time i met coke he stabed me in back as teamate.. i was not to happy.. but later i found this not to be a concious desire to stab me in the back more a lack of knowing who his teamate is and what is gong on in the game.. hehehe.. you jsut have to make sure coke knows who his teamate is and say "dont kill me, im your teammate"

then you need to kill some people fast before they kill coke and the odds are against you!   

i'll take a side order or fries with that shake.

Coke also likes Asian women!  mmm  ;D   Coke is the player of the year..  I think he should have his own poll.

i like the guest for a teamate and i also like sir gut even though we look like idiots sometimes he goes left i go right, he throws a holo this turn i holo the next they both get detected hehe.. if we laid holos same turn somone would be dead.  i think me and sir gut need to comunicate more on msn, pull our resources..  (i jsut got this litle laptop back up on the network so i got my msn back! )

i also like coke because since the time he killed me when i was his teammate hehe he's never done so again and now it seems like he is happy to let me live even when it's ffa.  so i dont have to worry about this blitz of people pulling their resources with coke. 

i used to like it when dodger was playing more too.. i dont see him lately, or abc or kxb

abc is good teamate, kxb is good player

hmm baksters last post makes it seem like he is sucky teamate :P  the kid can play chess and there is no teamate then!  (I think we should play some longer games bak) yes yes i know your brother has icc, but there is also other clients too! 

ive gotten 2 people from my fav chess server to come to duelboard so far.. i wish 2 was 2000, but 1998 people dont like me like the other 2. hehe

so the point of this post is to say that reg50 is a nerd.   ;D


LOL..A nerd ...riiight lol..What's the definition of nerd anyway in your mind...Nerd in my mind is someone who is really really smart but studies at one thing constantly...Like chess for instance..Chess is a nerdy game that you beat me in so you are the nerd lol  :D


ah i also throw someone who spends there life on the internet into that equation (nerd)

You never play when I'm on..

Last time I was on i tried gettin you and song to both play but you both chilled out in the lobby. Maybe you were idle, who knows.

The most trustworthy people I play with are Ults, Banana, Stitchy and my cuz. Im sure there are a couple people i can trust pretty good but thats all i can think of.
When Did I Realize I Was God? When I Knelt Down, Started Praying, And Realized I Was Talking To Myself


lol only digi and silence for me every1 else i have a wee surpurise waiting for them
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Everyone's the same. If not outright backstabbing, we at least try and stay in a safe position, or get in an advantageous one for when the enemies are dead. The only time people dont do that is when they have some kind of lame deal going where they're helping their friend win a bunch of games.

The game's original name was Chaos. It's not meant to be a team game. I wish Matlu would make a team mode though, so we could set it to team mode or ffa before the game even starts. I would start playing again if he did that, probably.
ZZ, to me you're nothing but one incredibly smokin' hott, built up, knowledgable hunk of man. And yes, I hope you put this in your sig too.
-The very available Song Flower

(Please Copy and Paste This In Your Profile Wink) <<i dont see the point.  Huh

SiR gUt

well whenever i play with coke can he is always under me, but for now on i wont kill him ;) and everyone beware because me and digital will be hunting very soon :)



Quote from: Reg50 on December 26, 2005, 10:02:14 PM
LOL..A nerd ...riiight lol..What's the definition of nerd anyway in your mind...Nerd in my mind is someone who is really really smart but studies at one thing constantly...Like chess for instance..Chess is a nerdy game that you beat me in so you are the nerd lol  :D

I can't belive people think chess is a nerdy game..  What kind of world do we live in when chess is nerdy.  This game derives from kings and military stratagists.  There is much history to Chess! 

I also think you just called Bakster, Thorindon, and some other guy I forgot nerds because they compete in chess tournaments.. I think if you can get your lazy butt to roll out of bed for a chess match, you must be a nerd.. hehe no jk, a chess enthusist.


hmm....reliable teamates....:
silencer, song, digi, gut, banana, bbc3, willie can be when he kisses ass to try and get people to explain their strategies, perelan, and coke. digi and gut are only good teammates when there not so stoned that they trip out and start trying to attack themselves, or their team-mates......u wouldnt know anything about that wud u digi...???? lmfao   :D
Colt 45 n two zig-zags... baby thats all we need


Who cares about teammates? This isn't a team game.

This game isn't the "most honorable teammate contest". You play to win. I personally think teams (in a game designed for Free For All) is a waste of time, so I backstab whenever I can.

Don't like backstabbing? Then don't play teams in an ffa game.


heres a strange happening:
one time when i was playing cyberbattles, the slime on the field formed the letters F U.
SERIOUS! and then during the game I didnt had any upgrades and i survived a round of attacks from not one, but TWO battle mechs!  WHOA!  not only that, but i killed one of the mechs with my commander (no upgrades) before the last one finished me off!  crazy!


Quote from: Stitchy_11 on December 27, 2005, 08:35:30 PM
hmm....reliable teamates....:
silencer, song, digi, gut, banana, bbc3, willie can be when he kisses ass to try and get people to explain their strategies, perelan, and coke. digi and gut are only good teammates when there not so stoned that they trip out and start trying to attack themselves, or their team-mates......u wouldnt know anything about that wud u digi...???? lmfao   :D

Yeah, I said I was sorry :)  I the mouse sliped and the mutant went 1 square to the left and killed my teammates spider first attack.  My Bad  ;D

We had a nice attack cleaning house too.  This laptop touchpad is sucky!


Bump. This is really funny. I miss the old crew :'(
