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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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*graps bakster off virt beats the crap out of him shoots him 10 times then helps virt up*
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Quote from: virtuoso on November 29, 2005, 04:41:57 PM
Ooo, Ooo i know : D
Nah, seriously how could you embarass me like that, ults?:-[
I actually agree with the_guest... apart from the shooting part : D

Not only is that a silly riddle, but it could have also brought on a lot of jokes about me :' (
But, if it's an official riddle then the answer is Lucy Liu..... nah it's Karla : P

Now my riddle

I am old in years, but compared to others i am young.
My discoverey would forever change the world.
I have experienced many changes, good and bad.
People have wrote, sang and bitched about me.
I have given a lot to the world but i have taken much more.

I have been known to steal, kill and rape.
But, i can do this because i am righteous.
I have more enemies than allies.
Probably due to my bad habit of fondling with other peoples matters.
Also, i'm rather fat... : (

Oh yeah, i'm run by a retarded asshole... God bless me and my superiority : )

is it anima
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Quote from: ultswordsman on November 30, 2005, 09:46:26 PM
*graps bakster off virt beats the crap out of him shoots him 10 times then helps virt up*

Someone please explain this to me. I'm losing my touch on how to speak "ults."


i may need 2 bone up on my "ult speak" but heres best guess:

he grabs bakster off virtuoso, then beats up/shoots bakster and helps virtuoso off the ground

if im wrong, ask ults what his version is

click my egg to get ur own


Thats probably right. I though virt = dirt, which is why it didnt make sense to me.


*translates* grabs brudda bakster baby off my main man virtuoso, then pops a cap in baksters ass, picking virtuoso off the dirt.

Throw in a couple of "yeah man"'s and "whatever trevor"'s and you should be about there.

This post just proves, Sometimes I talk just to make sounds.


well, that works 2...

click my egg to get ur own


u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


its either a book,a tree money or a spirit
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


well, the bible fits almost everything

click my egg to get ur own


Nothing? Is the answer nothing?


Santa Clause? Is the answer santa?  ;D
Or perhaps his elves? His...fat...elves?


notice*  our goal is now to get 2 1000 posts! were only 118 away

and dont worry, i wont lock it (well mabey  ;))

click my egg to get ur own


lol... it'll never be the original. I decided it doesnt matter who makes the 1000th post, but Im gonna try and make some sorta accomplisment plaque and post it on there. Have at it you guys :-)


a cat a dog an animal a human the world devil anythign in the universe *guesses everything in the universe* ha i win
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut