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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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a mask a mummy some dead guy uhhhh a video game character
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


I want a half point! I'm gonna guess a dead guy that died b/c someone chopped his fingers off and he bled to death! Yay!


im in secound place now with 11 points 1 more and i pass hafer
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Quote from: The_Gu3st on December 03, 2005, 07:10:58 PM
I want a half point! I'm gonna guess a dead guy that died b/c someone chopped his fingers off and he bled to death! Yay!

Yay! 500 points!!!!!!

I was thinking of a person who had his throat damaged in a war so he couldn't talk, his fingers were blown off, and he uses a wheelchair but still has legs.

You were close enough.


Can we have some proper riddles that I can give real bullshit answers to now?  :)


ok bakster stop u get 1 its only 1 point so nopw im giving dodger a chance to post ur up man
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


dodger post a riddle or pass
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


dam u ults, sneekin up on me points wise while i cant answer  >:(

click my egg to get ur own


i ahve 10 u have 10 and a half i need jsut 1 more point now som1 post a dam riddle except for bakster
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


         k this is a computer character thing a ma bob and its an animal and funny

i have yellow eyes

i have a pissed off attitude

i am evil

hafer u miss ur a dum fuk
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Quote from: ultswordsman on December 06, 2005, 01:27:44 PM
i have yellow eyes

i have a pissed off attitude

i am evil

:o Wow ults, you may need some medical attention! I've never heard of a human with yellow eyes! Maybe you're an alien? It would explain your lack of spelling abilities...

And they offer anger management courses for your "pissed off attitude" and "evil"-ness.


Bakster was thinking of the war hero from "One" by metallica
Destroyed by a landmine and in loss of all his motor skills and senses.
I think thats what that answer was based on.
His brother came into the hospital and put him out of his  misery, but he ended up with a murder charge for it.


4 the 10th time foamy

click my egg to get ur own



Oh man, that poor guest is going to get 65 pages worth of riddles.


Damn you! I was just about to post that! I had the SS ready and everything :D

He's gonna find he has no paper left...in 24 hours when the printing stops..

<edit> BTW you hosted that really badly..