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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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he shot himself in the one eye that was remaining.  the recoil from the gun was so intense, it put him in a coma


Quote from: haferhole1 on November 08, 2005, 02:08:23 AM
the man was not injured or blind before or after the shot

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 Â he goes to a windowless shaft in his backyard where a switch operates the door.  he shoots the switch so the switch is unable to operate functionally.  he was on a snowy mountain when he shot.  it caused an avalanche and he becomes buried beneath the snow.  he is still alive though, but no one's there to rescue him.  he wasnt injured from the hit of the avalanche


Quote from: haferhole1 on November 08, 2005, 02:08:23 AM
the man was not injured or blind before or after the shot

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he goes INto his backyard or TO his backyard?  is there a space in between back and yard?


whats the difference?

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like if its into his backyard, then his yard is an enclosed space.  if its to, then we can assume it to be out in the open or something.  idk


well, he might have a fence (doesnt affect riddle), but its not a room if thats what u mean

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He never gets up early enough to see the sun rise : D
I'm as bad as Ults : )


no, ur not.  infact, that is why he doesnt c sunrise ever again, but now u gotta figure out what he shot

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his alarm clock, or some kind of clock, the rooster


...and willie steals another idea and answers riddle with it (it was the rooster)

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the guy shoots teh rooster so the rooster wont be ever able to wake teh man up in time to see teh sunrise! 


Quote from: willie on November 06, 2005, 10:48:12 AM
Around and around the FOUR of us rotate, man controls my actions to work he won't be late.


Willie always posts the easy ones.

Cars on a tire (4 of them) are controlled by a man. They rotate (turning of a wheel) to take him to work. Therefore, not being late to work.

And if Im wrong, Im gonna feel like an idiot.