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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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You all suck, so I'm gonna spam this thread because I'm always left out of the riddles.


A man is 3/8's of the way across a train bridge, when he hears the whistle of an approaching train behind him. It turns out that he can run in either direction and just barely make it off the bridge before getting hit. If he is running at 15 mph, how fast is the train traveling? Assume the train travels at a constant speed, despite seeing you on the tracks.

Note: From a 7th grade pre-algebra book.


What goes in the blank?

   _  T  T  F  F
   S  S  E  N  T
   E  T  T  F  F
   S  S  E  N  T


A rich old man has died. After his death, his children are surprised to learn that he has left all of his money to his oldest son Jeremiah, who loved him dearly, and ignored his other children, who hated him.

So, the funeral is a day or two later, and the other sons and daughters have decided to kill Jeremiah and take his inheritance. Since his father's death, Jeremiah has taken to drinking, and they know that, at the wake, he's going to be gulping down the liquor like it was nectar of the gods. So they decide to poison the drinks. One of the other sons, Wallace, tends bar, and gets the poison all ready.

So Jeremiah comes up, crying and depressed, and orders a scotch on the rocks. Wallace serves him one, and he chugs it down in two seconds. "Give me another." Wallace gives him a second glass of scotch, which he also drinks in a matter of moments. The other siblings are puzzled...the poison is fast-acting; Jeremiah should be convulsing on the floor and retching his guts out. Finally, fifteen minutes later, a rather inebriated and very much alive Jeremiah orders one last glass of scotch, but as Wallace hands it to him, he changes his mind and leaves, sobbing. The other siblings come over to Wallace, and wonder what's going on. They talk about what could have gone wrong for a few minutes, and figure the poison's harmless. So Wallace sips the drink he poured for Jeremiah, and is pronounced DOA thirty minutes later.

Why did Jeremiah live? (He had no immunity to the poison, he didn't know it was coming, and the poison was obviously deadly.)


Sam and Max run a 100 meter race. Sam wins by five yards. To make it sporting, he starts 5 yards beind the original start line in the second race. Assuming both runners run at the same speed, who wins the second race? The challenge is to solve this problem without doing any algebra.


Violins produced on the island of Grxcd have become collectors’ items since it sank into the sea two centuries ago. All the island’s violins were produced by Bropcs or one of his sons, or by Czwyz or one of his sons. Every violin was labelled ostensibly to reveal its maker but, although Bropcs and his sons always labelled their violins truthfully, Czwyz and his sons always labelled their violins with falsehoods. Both families playfully interfered with collectors’ attempts to establish provenances for their violins. For example, collectors figured out that a violin labelled “ This violin was not made by any son of Bropcs.� was made by Bropcs Sr.; can you see why? The most desirable violins are so labelled that a connoisseur can tell that it must have been made by one of the fathers, either Bropcs Sr. or Czwyz Sr., but cannot tell which. How might such a violin be labelled?


Consider a list of 2000 statements:

   1) Exactly one statement on this list is false.
   2) Exactly two statements on this list are false.
   3) Exactly three statements on this list are false.
   . . .
   2000) Exactly 2000 statements on this list are false.

Which statements are true and which are false?


How many letters does the correct answer to this puzzle contain?


You walk into a room in which there are three primates: a chimpanzee, an orangutan, and a gorilla. The chimpanzee is holding a banana in each hand, the orangutan is holding a big stick, and the gorilla is holding nothing. Which primate in the room is the smartest?


btw, the site which provides these (which you have probably found by now), doesn't have any solutions... ???


id say its the chimp
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Quote from: Bakster on November 03, 2005, 10:44:39 PM
A rich old man has died. After his death, his children are surprised to learn that he has left all of his money to his oldest son Jeremiah, who loved him dearly, and ignored his other children, who hated him.

So, the funeral is a day or two later, and the other sons and daughters have decided to kill Jeremiah and take his inheritance. Since his father's death, Jeremiah has taken to drinking, and they know that, at the wake, he's going to be gulping down the liquor like it was nectar of the gods. So they decide to poison the drinks. One of the other sons, Wallace, tends bar, and gets the poison all ready.

So Jeremiah comes up, crying and depressed, and orders a scotch on the rocks. Wallace serves him one, and he chugs it down in two seconds. "Give me another." Wallace gives him a second glass of scotch, which he also drinks in a matter of moments. The other siblings are puzzled...the poison is fast-acting; Jeremiah should be convulsing on the floor and retching his guts out. Finally, fifteen minutes later, a rather inebriated and very much alive Jeremiah orders one last glass of scotch, but as Wallace hands it to him, he changes his mind and leaves, sobbing. The other siblings come over to Wallace, and wonder what's going on. They talk about what could have gone wrong for a few minutes, and figure the poison's harmless. So Wallace sips the drink he poured for Jeremiah, and is pronounced DOA thirty minutes later.

Why did Jeremiah live? (He had no immunity to the poison, he didn't know it was coming, and the poison was obviously deadly.)

Sounds like it's something to do with him downing the drink so fast...as wallace only sipped it (as in slowly) and he died....don't know why though.


Quote from: Bakster on November 03, 2005, 10:48:44 PM
You walk into a room in which there are three primates: a chimpanzee, an orangutan, and a gorilla. The chimpanzee is holding a banana in each hand, the orangutan is holding a big stick, and the gorilla is holding nothing. Which primate in the room is the smartest?

It's me that's the smartest. (I walk into a room) :)


Quote from: Bakster on November 03, 2005, 10:48:27 PM
How many letters does the correct answer to this puzzle contain?

Four. Because four is the only number that contains it's amount of letters....Does that make sense?


u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut