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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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weirdly, a fair few of the remaining possibilities are acronyms for groups relating to wildlife groups (ECHA, DERA, LEEC)


really? i didnt know that

click my egg to get ur own


Someone else post a riddle.


Whats the diffrence between an orange


umm, is that the whole riddle?

click my egg to get ur own


i am silent as night i am swift like a cat i am deadly like a lion what am i
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Lion's arn't really that deadly. And how about the night above a very noisy house, or above a football stadium? Not so silent then.
But not taking your riddle litteraly, I would have to say....That could have many answers...Again... Who votes not to let Ult's post anymore riddles?  ;) lol Joking.



Quote from: Dodger on November 02, 2005, 10:32:35 PM
Apple Juice.

Unless you Googled this and somehow came up with this answer, you're wrong. It makes absolutely no sense.

And I vote to ban ults from making anymore riddles, they're either all the same thing reworded differently or they have atleast 1 million and one answers.

Pretty soon, ults will make a riddle like this:

What am I?

To which many responses will be made, mainly the following:
A girl
A little boy
A Moron
A very horny little guy, that loves The_Guest when he is a girl


Quote from: Slayer_Z on November 02, 2005, 09:05:58 PM
Whats the diffrence between an orange

not a full riddle

Quote from: ultswordsman on November 02, 2005, 10:25:00 PM
i am silent as night i am swift like a cat i am deadly like a lion what am i

has 10000 answers (a gun w/ a silencer, alot of different animals, a ninja, ect...)

next riddle, anyone

click my egg to get ur own


dam u hafer u got it
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


wow, i did? which 1 was it?

click my egg to get ur own


ninja i gave a simple 1 and i shalt be banned cuz u should alreayd be guest
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


wait, y was guest banned again?

heres me riddle?

One afternoon, a retired air force pilot and his family were driving through Texas on a vacation. They pass a road sign. One of the children remarks on the fact that the sign is named after a dance style.

After about five minutes, they pass another sign, which reads, "Golf Road". As soon as they pass it, the man turns to his wife and says he knows what the next sign will say, and that he'll bet her twenty dollars that he's right. She agrees, and they drive on. After passing the next road sign, the wife finds that her husband is right, and hands him twenty dollars.

What did the last sign say and how did the man know?

click my egg to get ur own


no clue what it said but he knew cuz the first sign was a style then the next 1 was like it then the last 1 was like them both
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut