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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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Quotebecause he had a pic of him because he found his idea because he was dead

A picture of Adam?? The First man? pfft Dumbass.

Tell us your answer Bakster, so we can prove it's wrong  :P


Adam obviously woke up and told him. Duh.

Gosh, you guys are idiots. Easiest riddle ever.


Well at least that makes more sense than Ult's answers. :).


but how i mean he was frozen solid hed have to unfreeze like  6 inches of ice then get  un froze in his body so he could say hi im adam
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Quote from: ultswordsman on January 31, 2006, 12:10:55 AM
because he found his idea because he was dead

What does this mean anyway?


His body was completely naked except the preserved leaves/plants covering his you-know-whats.


1 point to me!


<3 Haferhole.

Come back soon buddy.


<3 u 2 guest

ok, im gonna give u guys a riddle and im gonna check hereevery once and a while to c ults' crazy wrong answers, and if u need it, give u guys a hint

A woman and her daughter go to Europe for vacation. They check in at the hotel, register, and then go into separate rooms to sleep. The mother sleeps late, and when she wakes she goes to her daughter's room to wake her up. She knocks, and nobody answers. She turns the knob and to her surprise it is unlocked. She goes inside and finds nobody. She notices the room is very clean though. She goes downstairs, glances at the registry, and to her shock her daughter's name is nowhere to be seen! When she asks the clerk about her daughter, the clerk says she (the mother) did not come in with any other person!

What happened to her daughter?

click my egg to get ur own


damit, if only i saw that flight plan movie!


Is this a 'guess the right answer' riddle?


Quote from: haferhole1 on February 16, 2006, 07:21:48 AM
<3 u 2 guest

ok, im gonna give u guys a riddle and im gonna check hereevery once and a while to c ults' crazy wrong answers, and if u need it, give u guys a hint

A woman and her daughter go to Europe for vacation. They check in at the hotel, register, and then go into separate rooms to sleep. The mother sleeps late, and when she wakes she goes to her daughter's room to wake her up. She knocks, and nobody answers. She turns the knob and to her surprise it is unlocked. She goes inside and finds nobody. She notices the room is very clean though. She goes downstairs, glances at the registry, and to her shock her daughter's name is nowhere to be seen! When she asks the clerk about her daughter, the clerk says she (the mother) did not come in with any other person!

What happened to her daughter?

During the night, an invader from another dimension came........etc


Quote from: eddie on February 16, 2006, 07:29:45 AM
damit, if only i saw that flight plan movie!
i havnt seen it eather, so i dont know if this is the same or not

Quote from: Bakster on February 16, 2006, 06:43:30 PM
During the night, an invader from another dimension came........etc
no, its nothing like that

Quote from: Dodger on February 16, 2006, 12:50:19 PM
Is this a 'guess the right answer' riddle?

kinda, im just waiting for someone to shout a random answer they think is wrong, but really is almost it

click my egg to get ur own


is it that she was so drunk that she  and her daughter got their own rooms and the daughter left  but she thought they had the same rooms
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


The daughter is invisible to everyone except the mother. She ran away at night because the mother is an evil hag. The clerk didn't see her enter or exit for reasons I have already explained.

You can't tell me this is wrong, it is a perfectly logical answer to the question (except the invisibility part ;) )


Ummm....She forgot that her daughter hasn't been born yet! (she is pregnant).
