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New addition to crew

Started by SiR gUt, September 15, 2005, 11:19:13 PM

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Think Dodger should be added to board members?

5 (62.5%)
3 (37.5%)

Total Members Voted: 8


Quote from: anima on May 07, 2006, 04:37:39 PM
Haha, Funny stuff. It appears Blitz has nothing better to do then argue with himself.
Where are these quotes of mine? That sad, crazy mofo  ;D

Rofl. That's after you deleted all your posts like some psycho.


Just re-read this topic...So much of what is said (by both sides) is stupid  :o
What really happened:


Quote from: Dodger on May 08, 2006, 09:27:12 AM
Japan attacked the United States bringing it too into the war on the Allied side.

Quote from: Dodger on May 08, 2006, 09:27:12 AM
The Battle of Britain

    Main article: Battle of Britain

Following the defeat of France, Britain chose to fight on, so Germany began preparations in summer of 1940 to invade Britain (Operation Sea Lion). The first step necessary was for the Luftwaffe to secure control of the air over Britain by defeating the Royal Air Force. The war between the two air forces became known as the Battle of Britain. The Luftwaffe initially targeted RAF Fighter Command but thinking the results poor the Luftwaffe later turned to terror bombing London. The Germans failed to defeat the Royal Air Force, and Operation Sea Lion was postponed and eventually cancelled.

Like I and Dodger were trying to say over and over; US only came into the war because of the Japanese attack. As you can read Germany could not invade Britain, only attack it with it's airforce which succumbed to the greater and more disciplined Royal Airforce.

Britain owned? I think  not!

Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves



Just thought it needed clearing up.

To Gut : Look no mention of 'hiding underground' anywhere. I think that annoyed me the most.


Quote from: http://www.tommcmahon.net/2004/02/are_americans_s.htmlEuropeans consider Americans stupid because, when presented with a geographic map of the world, 11% of them can't point out their own country, many are convinced that Britain is on the West coast of Africa, Ireland is somewhere in Ohio and Iraq (with which their president is, of course, at war) is where North Korea should be. And they'll believe that a war on the other side of the world based on bullshit is making them safer. They can't spell the word "colour" either.

Just want to say, I don't consider the few Americans that I know (except perhaps one) to be in any way cognitively challenged, but I was bored so I dug up some more facts. Feel free to return the favour  :-*.


click my egg to get ur own



What a gay quiz, it clearly known that none of the allied forces stood a chance if it wasnt for America's intervention on the aliied side.


Quote from: The_Guest on May 08, 2006, 09:53:19 PM

It clearly known that none of the allied forces stood a chance if it wasnt for America's intervention on the aliied side.
Clearly known by Americans obviously, unfortunately this is unprovable either way. And just because the other allied forces were beaten, (France etc) doesn't mean the England would have been.
If you read the information it clearly says that the Germans couldn't invade us.

The way I know it is that we were holding off the Germans (quite successfully), but unable to make any ground overall. We eventually got pushed back onto our home soil, which the enemy were unable to invade.
We launced a counter attack with the aid of the USA, most memorable one that springs to mind is D-Day, the Battle Of Normandy. At the same time (approx.) the Soviet Union were fighting Germany and Italy, and The Commonwealth, China  and the US were battling Japan.

Of course this was spread over a number of years.

I appologise if any of this is incorrect, I would love to read the whole article, as this topic interests me a great deal. But I do not have the time at the moment.



I gave up History a long time ago because the lesson is shit. Always learning about the boring stuff. But I'm interested by some history.


All history is boring. Who cares about the distant past? Why do the people who care care?


Quote from: Bakster on May 08, 2006, 10:39:37 PM
All history is boring. Who cares about the distant past? Why do the people who care care?

I used to have this opinion before I took AP World History this year. Actually, history does a lot of good for people. The most common answer is "we learn from out mistakes" or something of that sort and it's 100% true.

A great example would be China's Century of Humiliation (~1800 to ~1911 [or 1956]). I doubt many of you know about this, but it was when Europe was industrailizing along with many other nations. This is the time where Europe came to be a world power and many places ignored that, especially China. China didn't see Europe (Specifically Great Britian) as a threat and still regarded themselves as the center of the world. It was around the time that the opium wars took places and China's ecomomy began to dwindle and they lost many important trading ports, namely Hong Kong.

China however learned from it's mistakes, with some revolutions in 1911 and their main revolutions stemming from their "savior" Mao.

Yeah I know, boring to read, kind of boring to type too, but history really is worth it. I've begun to enjoy it a lot lately and I think I did quite decent on my AP World exam last wednesday.


Anyways, regarding this topic, I told you guys there was really no reason to lock it. I loved this debate and I find it to be probably the best topic on DB.

And yeah dodger, you're right when you say there is no way to prove it, but it really just requires some logic. Prior to America's intervention in the war, America was still supplying England's ammuntion, tanks, guns, etc.

This of course brought up some anger by the Central Powers, hence their reason to plan an attack on Pearl Harbor. Its not like Japan just decided "Oh, we're gonna attack America cuz that sounds like fun and infact, we're not even gonna consult anyone else about it."

Nope, instead, it was carefully planned out by all the central powers and carried out by Japan. This is the reason why America intervened, but it could have been done for many other reasons. Germany was attacking American ships thats were tranporting goods to the Allied forces and that angered Americans but we kept our cool for sometime.

At this point, France had already fallen and Germany was making advances onto England. I don't understand how Wiki can say that England was unreachable. Did you guys forget about the battle of Britain? It wasn't exactly unreachable then, was it?

Quote from: http://www.world-war-2.info/battles/bt_9.phpThe Battle can be crudely divided into four sections:

    * July - August 11: Kanalkampf
    * August 12 - August 24: Adlerangriff
    * August 25 - September 6: German's attack RAF planes and airfields almost exclusively. The critical period of the battle
    * September 7 onwards: London and other major cities are bombed.

Ahem ahem. Unreachable, right. Fact is though, Germany lost that battle, only because of one stupid mistake: waiting (or playing the terror game). If Germany was to have not stopped that attack, Britain would not have had time to recooperate and that was where Germany went wrong.

Infact, Britianica Encyclopedia goes on as far as to say that that battle could have potentially ended the war in Germany's favor had they not waited.

I also understand that you say how Germany couldn't advance onto Britain soil, bare with me while I pretend this is true (As if airplanes didn't exist?). So, pretending this is true, Britain also had no power to set counter attacks, and all counter attacks actually failed, the main one was corrupted in the Battle of Britain.

So, we're at a stalemate now, unless you think that the Soviet Union was going to win this war.  FYI, the Soviets' were highly outnumber, out-powered and they were also in the midst of a revolution. Not exactly prime-time fighting a war conditions, now are they.

So, who will save the day?. . . . . . perhaps. . . . America? No, couldn't be. No one needs Americas help. Silly America, wars are for strong nations.  ::)

But whatever you and Wiki say, it must be true. Right? Right? Yeah.  ::)


Oppsies, I forgot to mention China since you said that America and China were both fighting against Japan. China was hardly a threat to Japan, especially after the Sino-Japanese was in which Japan put China to shame. It was really pathetic actually, and China was also in the midst of a revolution like Soviet Russia.

Fact of the matter is, America entered this war, kicked ass, and left.