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Anti-Sabre Clan - Perfect Assasins

Started by Dodger, September 03, 2005, 05:25:25 PM

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Ooo yeah more where that came from!


Hey Anima...That battle against me...
The way I remember it was a very different story...


lmao nice fake. One small detail. The second commander died. So why is the third commander (the girl) still alive. If i died the girl would be dying. Note that im third on the list. Why else would i be saying: " say cheese", "i get to kill" and "screenie"

I shouldnt have said really cos you gunna change it. So everyone look out for the edit on dodger post or will he make a new one :D

Remember kids dont fake pics ;)




Lol Anima saw through my cunning plan  :P



Hey have the Sabre's disbanded?? Where did they're thread go?



Making who guess? I don't know what your talking about.... :-\


Dodger, I don't understand why it is such a big deal for everyone to know that your only short. 5' 6" isnt really THAT short anyways.


lol anima thats not it guest let something slip so now hes trying to cover it


Quote from: Goku on September 04, 2005, 01:01:58 PM
I think Sabre's must fall!  They suck.  They are cocky, and most of all they must be taught manners!  If I remember Sabre's ain't crap when they dont team.  *with the exception of Ice

Me and Dodger declare open war on all Sabre's!!!!  There is no running away SabeKing05!  You opened your very doom posting your flames on our members!  Now, I declare your score will look like CoKe CaN's.   

Top 3 players list:   ;D

1. CoKe CaN
2. Dragon75
3. SongFlower 


356. SabreKing05
10024. battlemech60

I want to say piss on the Sabre's

thank you goku i am flattered. :) i never thought i would be considered that good.
"castle it was called, and many did play. cyber wars, battlethingz, MM, crypt. the games i did play and it is for the love of the game i stay."-me