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General Discussion / Re: WTF! Can't load cyber batt...
Last post by arghmeinaugen - May 18, 2017, 09:17:12 PM
Pressing Launch, just downloads a file "game.jnjp" or something.

What's the score people, how can I get me some sweet Cyber Wars action???
General Discussion / cannot play
Last post by iwillsetu - May 09, 2017, 01:30:33 AM
um is this site closed? tried everyway to login, nothing happens, keeps sending me to forum pages? if your site is closed down then kindly take it offline please.
General Discussion / Re: how to report abuse
Last post by haggman - May 03, 2017, 08:22:37 PM
Look guys I would like to start off by saying how sorry for the vulgar language conversed through my profile in the recent days. I believe some of my students my have got to my computer while I was away, I was unaware of the situation until it came to my attention when I saw I had been banned from the website. I confronted my students and they have paid the consequences for what they done I am truly sorry and I hope my apology is accepted and my ban is lifted. my Ban ID is 1322 if that is necessary.
General Discussion / Re: WTF! Can't load cyber batt...
Last post by Tinderbox - April 30, 2017, 02:03:53 PM

I was just thinking about CB the other day and thought I'd have a quick look in here. I was gutted that it wasn't working properly in browser (Vivaldi 1.10, based on Chromium). I'm stoked to see some activity up here still. Also impressed that I remembered my user/pw. :)
General Discussion / Re: WTF! Can't load cyber batt...
Last post by matlu - April 26, 2017, 05:51:08 PM
It's... working!
Click "Launch". Accept security warning. It will work.

You still need to add http://duelboard.com to "Exception site list", in java settings, in windows control panel.
General Discussion / Re: WTF! Can't load cyber batt...
Last post by matlu - April 05, 2017, 11:13:29 AM
Well, it's a sad story.

Mozilla/Firefox completely removed support for java applets in web browser. Some for Chrome. Instead they suggest to switch to "java webstart technology". I don't know yet how difficult it is to switch, I will have to look into it.

With Internet Explorer I managed to run the game, but it requires some tinkering.
1. In Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options/Security and use the slider to change security level to "Medium"  (medium-high is not enough)
2. In windows Control Panel, find java control. E.g. in Windows 7 click Start button / Control Panel and type java in search box. OR in Control Panel, click "Programs" and the java control should be there.
Once in java control, go to "security" tab, and add    http://duelboard.com   to exception site list. You need to add whole path, including /old
Then it works.

BTW I am impressed somebody still cares about CB at least little bit.

Now I see, while the game loads, it still won't work. It cannot connect to the server. Due to some increased security restrictions for java. I'll try to investigate what can be done about it.
General Discussion / Re: WTF! Can't load cyber batt...
Last post by matlu - April 05, 2017, 10:25:22 AM
Uh, maybe you need to update to latest version of java? Or maybe there is some other problem, I'll try to get it working.
General Discussion / WTF! Can't load cyber battles ...
Last post by Hawk - March 13, 2017, 06:45:25 PM
not that anybody's reading or plays this fucking awesome game anymore because it's like 203984209 years old and the internet ain't fucking w java no more but....... yall it will not load for me and i'm in phase 5 withdrawal. what i would GIVE to see that empty fucking lobby!!

Your security settings have blocked an application from running with an out-of-date or expired version of Java.

@#&@() I've added the site to the Exceptions List and the lowest security setting I can set Java to is High.... what in. the. motherloving. god. do. I . DO? who do i pay to get this game re-done and treated RIGHT?

General Discussion / Re: Hello?
Last post by Reg50 - December 26, 2016, 01:49:54 AM
I'm still around, I miss this game, aswell as the old gamesdomain =(
General Discussion / Re: Hello?
Last post by SiR gUt - September 18, 2016, 02:05:11 AM
Still waiting for SolStrike.

Can't wait to see all the old faces there!

We all know who is the best and always will be.  ;)