Not really a suggestion.
More a Christmas wishlist for games I would love to see on DuelBoard:
CIV World multiplayer - should be small enough to crunch into java.
Risk (board game) - could be amusing
Scrabble - No decent, easy online scrabble around yet (Altho there is a boggle)
Poker - why not... Should be easy to code.
For the future:
Speedball II - could possibly be open code by now. *drools*
Elite Frontier multiplayer - was 1meg, original is open code, should be around somewhere?
Sid Meier's Pirates (C64 version) - Not multiplayer, but the concept of a multiplayer version is pretty sound.
Rogue/Moria/ADOM, but multiplayer.
Probably a bit of a lifetime project that one.
What would you all love to see?
Very good suggestion. I would definitely like to create many games for Duel Board site, and I don't have to only make replicas from gamesdomain, I can also make completely different games.
For several reasons I would like to concentrate on turn-based games. Or to say it on other words: on games which don't need realtime communication and "immediate" response from server. Not games, which are too "arcade". Definitely not a first persoon shooter. The main reason is:
- such "realtime" games make big traffic and require high bandwidth. I cannot afford it. Also it is hard to play such game from distant server. I currently have only one server, located in central europe, and it will stay this way for a long time.
BTW for example I consider Runescape a "non-realtime" game (I don't want to call it turn-based, but it is not very far from truth).
QuoteCIV World multiplayer
To be honest I only played Civilisation I, and I liked it a lot. Not sure about copyrights.
never played it, but if it is a board game it should not be hard to do it (providing it's not copyrighted)
It may sound strange, but I never played it. I know something about it and it should not be hard to do
should not be hard, but I believe there are plenty online pokers around?
QuoteSpeedball II - could possibly be open code by now
I like games from Bitmap Brothers, but never played this one. But I'm afraid this game is quite "arcade"?
Btw do you know when games become "open code"?
QuoteElite Frontier multiplayer
great game, but too arcade. Didn't know it's open source. If you can download the game for free, it doesn't mean that it's not copyrighted and is open source.
QuoteSid Meier's Pirates
heard about it, seen it, never played
man, I spent ages playing Rogue on such ancient Vax machine :) Hm. I never played crypt from gamesdomain, but from what I heard - isn't it basically multiplayer Rogue with "fancy" graphics?
My ideas are: modified tic-tac-toe (5 in row), and checkers. I will definitely make these.
Post you own ideas!
Quote from: ZAPTONE_Z on April 08, 2005, 09:50:59 PM
id like to see connect four and a game similar to crypt from the castle
Go-moku will be finished probably tomorrow. It's not exactly same as connect-four, but it is quite similar. Differences are: you have to connect 5 marks, and you can place your mark anywhere. It's good game.
Crypt - hm, as soon as somebody explains me how exactly it worked I'll start thinking about it.
Quote from: matlu on April 08, 2005, 10:19:17 PM
Crypt - hm, as soon as somebody explains me how exactly it worked I'll start thinking about it.
Let fraser make it.