Who be 'da best parappa (apart from 'yo moma)
Option 1: EdDieDJ
votes: 1
Option 2: Bad Boy Bakster
votes: 2
Option 3: Sir 'Rocks-your' Gut
votes: 2
Option 4: The Guest DJ (TBA)
votes: 7
Well, its pretty simple. If you're bored, freestyle a random/stupid rap on here. Or if you're bored with someone else, do a 1 line to 1 line rap, or even "rap battle" It should be fun.
Me and eddie are gonna start it off:
Topic: Duelboard Players
Rhyme Pattern:
Alright, here goes:
I aint ever seen anybody that ugly before
until i looked at that f**kin haferhore
But I guess its nothing compared to people like Gut
Gut knows whats what as much as a monkey nut
And then you got those people who are flamingly gay
which is nothing like that great guy eddie
And you cant forget you homophobes
Friggin A eddie, you messed it up. RAWR!!!
Now I challenege you to a 1 vs 1 line rap battle! Muahaha!
alright guest ur on bitch
One word eddie: cleanness
well, id rather br dirty then not have a penis
(Damn it, this one line rap is hard...I wanted to use penis, but it would be 2 lines. Grrr....)
Oh really cuz thats not what dodger was telling me today.
hes just tryin 2 make u feel good after that thing with ur mom yesterday
(and lets just go back to how we did it 1st rap, itll be easier)
pssh, Im tired. Gonna go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow you meany. :'(
poor little guest
catchin some z's,
only afraid
dodger had some stds.
but you can TRY to sleep
on your garbage heap
but if you make a peep
im tellin ya, leap
off the roof, onto the street,
and dont be descreat
if you live, make sure you repeat
once your gone, they'll just scrape u off the concrete
and leave you at my feet.
ill just say "neat",
grill your raw meat
using some heat
toss ya in the backseat,
take u 2 ur mom 4 some eats
and she says "sweet"
"i was about to eat my feet!"
when you goto respond, just hold delete
just face it: your beat
and just accept your defeat
because this rap is complete.
Pssh. I can do better.
poor little guest, catchin some z's,
only afraid, dodger had some stds.
But he's gonna eat Weetabix tomorrow, 'cos they're made of wheat;
And he's not glutose intolerant, unlike my Uncle Pete,
Although he does like his Beet...
roots, and parsnips, and sometimes grilled raw meat,
Which, as Eddie noted, requires some 'heat'
Otherwise it wouldn't be particulary nice to eat
Unless you were a dog, or a lion, in which case it would be nice to eat.
...when you goto respond, just hold delete, just face it: you're beat
and just accept your defeat, because this rap is complete.
We did this ages ago at shizmoo forums.
I did tons of shiznit rapz, but I can't be bothered now.
mine was better...
Quote from: Parsley on February 16, 2006, 04:39:11 PM
Otherwise it wouldn't be particulary nice to eat
Unless you were a dog, or a lion, in which case it would be nice to eat.
you rhymed eat with eat
Eddie thinks he's the shit
but he aint got nothin on me, not even a bit
this is gonna take a while so you might as well sit
as I tear you up, hit by hit.
You messed with the wrong guy
I'm gonna make you and your whole family cry
and trust me, that aint a lie.
Just start saying bye
Cuz after this rap your gonna hope to die.
Get ready for the drama
cuz no one will save you now, not ever the dalai lama (lol)
And dont bother go crying to yo momma.
Like you always do
get a clue
no one likes you
Simple as 1 + 1 = 2
Now I made my debut
let see what you can construe
and watch me knock it down with my rap kung fu
This is the end, give up. Thank you.
Ohhhh Snaaaaap! Owned.
My name is Bakster.
I am a Pakster.
I like Raxter,
and I have a kster.
That's the end of my rap,
you stupid piece of crap!
yo dawgs wuzzup dis here be my rap, word
yo yo
bling bling foo
yo foo
yosue a foo
bling bling holla
yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo
bitches n hoes
bitches n hoes foo
word foo
holla nigg ...
Quote from: The_Gu3st on February 16, 2006, 11:13:52 PM
Eddie thinks he's the shit
but he aint got nothin on me, not even a bit
this is gonna take a while so you might as well sit
as I tear you up, hit by hit.
You messed with the wrong guy
I'm gonna make you and your whole family cry
and trust me, that aint a lie.
Just start saying bye
Cuz after this rap your gonna hope to die.
Get ready for the drama
cuz no one will save you now, not ever the dalai lama (lol)
And dont bother go crying to yo momma.
Like you always do
get a clue
no one likes you
Simple as 1 + 1 = 2
Now I made my debut
let see what you can construe
and watch me knock it down with my rap kung fu
This is the end, give up. Thank you.
Ohhhh Snaaaaap! Owned.
You missed out 'Dodger has an std' :-\
ok guest, it ON (and good job, i honestly wasnt expecting your rap to be any good)
so, guest, y u dissin my skills?
now its ur turn to chill
cuz these rhymes are hotter then george formans grills
im workin my way up to beverly hills
u tellin my the lama aint gonna save me?
of course not, iv seen him on the tv
he doesnt do s**t, exept meditate by the sea,
under some tree
(sorry bout the swear, mr F.C.C.)
and whats with the equation?
what are you? asian?
well, enough procrastination!
ur the worst in the nation!
you need a vacation.
go somewhere with a large population,
so you can get in some comunication,
and stop the masturbation
so, guest, have a good valentines day?
the most romantic day
in the usa
well, unless ur gay.
i bet you put on your toupee,
grabbed a tray,
headed to the buffet,
and left after u payed
after you went away, u probly put on a ballet
like you do everyday
now, listen to me and obey
go hang yourself without delay
or get shot by the N.R.A..
u need to respond like lil john and say,
well, i think my rhymes should cease
this rap is to obese
and every line makes it increase
so i have 1 word for you - peace
Somebody tries too hard ;)
Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?
Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?
When they know they're your heart
And you know you were their armour
And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm 'her
But what happens when karma, turns right around and bites you?
And everything you stand for, turns on you to spite you?
What happens when you become the main source of her pain?
"Daddy look what I made", Dad's gotta go catch a plane
"Daddy where's Mommy? I can't find Mommy where is she?"
I don't know go play Hailie, baby, your Daddy's busy
Daddy's writing a song, this song ain't gonna write itself
I'll give you one underdog then you gotta swing by yourself
Then to write a rhyme on that song and tell her you love her
And put hands on her mother, who's a spitting image of her
That's Bakster, yeah baby, Bakster's crazy
Bakster made me, but tonight Bakster's rocka-by-baby...
I keep having this dream, I'm pushin' Hailie on the swing
She keeps screaming, she don't want me to sing
"You're making Mommy cry, why? Why is Mommy crying?"
Baby, Daddy ain't leaving no more, "Daddy you're lying
"You always say that, you always say this is the last time
"But you ain't leaving no more, Daddy you're mine"
She's piling boxes in front of the door trying to block it
"Daddy please, Daddy don't leave, Daddy - no stop it!"
Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket
It's got a picture, "this'll keep you safe Daddy, take it withcha'"
I look up, it's just me standing in the mirror
These fuckin' walls must be talking, cuz man I can hear 'em
They're saying "You've got one more chance to do right" - and it's tonight
Now go out there and show that you love 'em before it's too late
And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door
It's turns to a stage, they're gone, and this spotlight is on
And I'm singing...
Sixty thousand people, all jumping out their seat
The curtain closes, they're throwing roses at my feet
I take a bow and thank you all for coming out
They're screaming so loud, I take one last look at the crowd
I glance down, I don't believe what I'm seeing
"Daddy it's me, help Mommy, her wrists are bleeding,"
But baby we're in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?
"I followed you Daddy, you told me that you weren't leavin'
"You lied to me Dad, and now you make Mommy sad
"And I bought you this coin, it says 'Number One Dad'
"That's all I wanted, I just want to give you this coin
"I get the point - fine, me and Mommy are going"
But baby wait, "it's too late Dad, you made the choice
"Now go out there and show 'em that you love 'em more than us"
That's what they want, they want you Bakster, they keep.. screamin' your name
It's no wonder you can't go to sleep, just take another pill
Yeah, I bet you you will. You rap about it, yeah, word, k-keep it real
I hear applause, all this time I couldn't see
How could it be, that the curtain is closing on me
I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it
Put it to my brain and scream "die Bakster" and pop it
The sky darkens, my life flashes, the plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes
That's when I wake up, alarm clock's ringin', there's birds singin'
It's Spring and Hailie's outside swinging, I walk right up to Kim and kiss her
Tell her I miss her, Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister
Almost as if to say..
And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain
Just smile back
And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain
Just smile back...
omg i have been waiting for a thread like this, wait till i get started with my rapping :)
Oh god no...
Quote from: SiR gUt on February 17, 2006, 10:34:10 PM
omg i have been waiting for a thread like this, wait till i get started with my rapping :)
Lol! Thread...locked? Hehehe...
Yes, lock it, my rap owned everyone elses without a shadow of a doubt!
your lyrics are whack
couldnt rap better if you were black
ill put a dot on your head just like a Hindu
cuz ur style is so bad it stinks like poo poo
ill run a train on your mom, chugga chugga choo choo
you mentioned the Daile lama
your so unwanted on DuelBoard, go hide in a cave like osama
i could rap 10x better than both of you, on my worst day
both your girls gave me head on each of your birthdays
your lryics are trash might as well throw them in the garbage
i've seen more monks in a monastery do more carnage
your probally the worst MC in your town
go join the circus, your better off rapping to a bunch of clowns
you only weigh 85 lbs, your bones are so brittle
you get drunk off 2 rounds and ill crush you like a skittle
you should of listened to your mom and drank a lot of milk instead of a little
ill end this off with a word of advice
either stop rappin or end your life
your lyrics are whack
couldnt rap better if you were black
ill put a dot on your head just like a Hindu
cuz ur style is so bad it stinks like poo poo
ill run a train on your mom, chugga chugga choo choo
someone mentioned the Daile lama
bakster your so unwanted on DuelBoard, go hide in a cave like osama
i could rap 10x better than you, on my worst day
your girl gave me head your birthday
your lryics are trash might as well throw them in the garbage
i've seen more monks in a monastery do more carnage
your probally the worst MC in your town
go join the circus, your better off rapping to a bunch of clowns
your only an 85 lbs brit, your bones are so brittle
you get drunk off 2 rounds and ill crush you like a skittle
you should of listened to your mom and drank a lot of milk
it wasn't enough you drank off your moms tit when you were little
ill end this off with a word of advice
either stop rappin or end your life
tried deleting my first one, so i redid it to make it go toward bakster ;)
Gut can't rap to save his life
Now lemme give you some advice
Go take that knife
and run it across those wrists
if you get the gist
It'll be over quick
you make me sick
suck my lollypop ( :D)
Rap is past you, go back to hip hop
This is one rap that you just cant top
Go back to McDonalds, and take your mop
Cuz you'll never be as good as me
You're locked in a closet without a key
Probably making out with Eddie
Getting his STD's (That one's for you dodger  :))
Charging every guy a penny
You're cheap, useless and gay
From now on, nothings gonna go your way
Whens the last time that you got laid?
On your 12th birthday?
Oh, now whazzup?
Just give up
You've got nothing on this
Go back to yo momma and get your goodnight kiss
I'm gonna make you wish
That you never made that diss
Next time try rapping when your sober
Cuz you just got told, this is over.
And that was my response to both Eddie and Gut. owned.
Quote from: SiR gUt on February 20, 2006, 07:30:02 AM
tried deleting my first one, so i redid it to make it go toward bakster ;)
Pssh, I dont care. I still responded to your first one. Were you scared of losing ;)? :P
alright, time to bust out the good stuff! and this time, im not going after just 1 person. im gonna be nice and hit at least most of the active players
Quote from: Bakster on February 17, 2006, 08:12:49 PM
Somebody tries too hard ;)
no, i just cant get to sleep and have nothing better to do
another example of my greatness:
i thought my rapping was done,
but thats not what guest say
"hey gut, ur gay!"
whats that? a rhyme or an essay?
the game of runescape, that's what I look for,
in the poop section of my local gaming store.
d dagger or ults, oh which one should I pick,
its like choosing which puddle of vomit to lick.
and when i want something that smells like a butt,
i look up G for guest or S for Sir gut.
so many skills guests making a buck at,
does he rap, does he play, he doesn't know what to suck at!
now as for the b*tches, lets give dodger thanks,
for turning silencer and gut into preteen skanks.
you were a virgin, that had to be hard,
you had more bones in your mouth than a st. bernard.
now lets go to addictinggames,
where they won't put our game on even when we plea
the site maker's nuts are in "stratagy and rpg".
but you can see "boneless girl" in all her sluthood
it's like watching porn but the music's not as good.
now over to zz,
and his small pee pee.
i never liked your boots of to an extent, you
ur boots are made for walkin right into a steaming pile of poo
and yet you're too old for blitz to desire,
he's checking out the cast of Lizzie McGuire
soon reg will give parsly a reward,
and play with him, and I don't mean on duelboard!
now im sure hes gonna lock this topic
(hes just sad matlu said his wee wees microscopic)
and o ya, i believe willies a guy.
you know what else? I believe I can fly
hey haferhole, maybe you should be haferhore.
back when you were hafer, I liked you so much more.
yo cdigital, what the hell kinda name is that?
That's about as cool as an Easter Bonnet hat.
And ults says he clean, well you make the call
The guy's higher than haferholes cholesterol,
bakster, are you in here still?
i didnt know spamming the forums was a skill.
matlu knows kung fu? now there's a kidder,
go back up to europe, dodger needs a baby-sitter
now that iv p*ssed off everyone on duelboard,
please u guys, give me a reward
there are 2 things i want to get.
so let me spit them out before i forget
the 1st thing is about this post
and this aplies to everyone, even anima (the ghost)
please u guys dont edit, delete, or lock it.
if i didnt say that, id be gone lickidy split
the next thing is i dont wanna get sued
even if its by a dog with a rude aditude (wanted another rhyme in there)
now this is about all the insults, so im gonna proceed
i only have 2 words for all of you: i keed ;)
Holy shit. Bravo Eddie, that was damn good. I have a rap but its mainly a flame rap just at you...
When I have more time, I'll make a DB rap, but til then, here's yours:
Oh poor, poor Eddie
When are you gonna see
that you've got nothing on me
I havnt heard a better rap than mine on MTV
Its time for you to leave
You and your STDs (Once again, thats for you dodger)
You think you can top me? Pahleez.
I can make better rhymes while catching my Z's
When you gonna give up eddie, geez.
Enough is enough
no more fluff
you're gonna get stuffed
My rap's hotter than Hilary Duff
This rap is buff
yours was weak
and its about to get beat
You can't accomplish this feat
I can make better raps using 1337
T1m3 f0r y0u t0 t4k3 a s43t
Don't mess with me or its gonna cost
This is over. You lost.
thanks man, and i think iv flamed you enough for now, im gonna rap about something else now. i want a challenge, so gimme a topic/person
Rap about how much rap sucks.
rap sure doesnt suck,
so y dont u go f**k a duck
[/horible rap]
Quote from: eddie on February 20, 2006, 10:15:09 AM
thanks man, and i think iv flamed you enough for now, im gonna rap about something else now. i want a challenge, so gimme a topic/person
Sounds good, but you would've lost anyways. I copied your idea and made my own duelboard rap.
DuelBoard Past to Present:
So many things were said
On the Never Ending Thread
Where Ults typde liek ths, it waz sumthn to dread
Started at zero and began to spread
until parsley locked it, it got torn to shreds
And who can forget Haferhole’s picture flames
Where everyone could blame
While playing a game
Too bad he’s gone now, what a damn shame
And Baxter’s spam attacks were pretty damn lame
Without the never ending thread things just aren’t the same
But other things also brought the forums to fame
Like when dodger became the riddle winner
And every time he pointed out which guest was using a printer
And what about Anima’s DuelBoard Awards
It was great for people who were bored
Even though he was ignored
When he asked people not to spam the boards
And when I pissed him off he began to roar
And spammed the forums better than lord
When Matlu took action order was restored
And also cDigital’s strong hate for Song Flower
They aren’t very nice to each other, feelings are sour
Song still thinks he just needs a cold shower
And gut always posts when you can tell he’s drunk
Trying to sound like a punk
Always talking junk
He’s just bitter that he’s too short to dunk
And that He’s not a hunk.
BladeSabre and Luggage contributed graphics
Luggage’s thread got tons of traffic
And then there was Parsley’s infamous Flaming Poll
When I thought ZZ had an evil soul
But for Matlu that thread didn’t role
And then it was locked, another one stole.
And Dodger still thinks gasoline is called petrol
And what about when Gut restarted the tourneys
That was a whole new journey
When Blitz and ZZ argued we thought we might need an attorney
And now what’s done is done
DuelBoard has been a lot of fun
This isn’t over cause this thread has just begun
This rap was better than hitting a homerun
Eddie’s rap is outdone
Here’s the score: The Guest â€" One
Everyone else: None
Game over for you guys.
And yes, this rap took a while... ~30 Minutes.
sounds more like a story and thats not even a rap buddy
If enough people want it, I can add a poll to this thread to let people choose whose rap was best and I'll reset it everytime a new rap is posted.
You guys want it?
sure man, and good rap, i want 2 rap back, but i should get back 2 bed, i feel as bad as ults looks, and i think i saw animas face in my puke.
Congrats Guest, that was awesome :) And it is called petrol ;)
Let's call them 'poems' instead of raps. Because rap sucks.
my neck is really stiff
Quote from: Bakster on February 21, 2006, 03:37:44 PM
Let's call them 'poems' instead of raps. Because rap sucks.
I tried changing the title, didn't work. Matlu won't let us edit posts :(
Quote from: SiR gUt on February 21, 2006, 10:29:28 PM
my neck is really stiff
Congratz, idiot.
Quote from: Dodger on February 21, 2006, 11:32:59 AM
Congrats Guest, that was awesome :) And it is called petrol ;)
Thanks but Petrol can kiss my ass.
Guest's rap pwned.
:) :-*
Classic rap, tg. :)
Although (for the record) I didn't lock TNET as such - I reopened it temporarily after Mat locked it so it could reach 1000, then locked it again.
Just had a re-read of BKF too.
Which is BKF?
I was wondering the same thing. TNET was easy, BFK no clue.
Quote from: The_Gu3st on February 21, 2006, 02:07:32 AM
If enough people want it, I can add a poll to this thread to let people choose whose rap was best and I'll reset it everytime a new rap is posted.
were u gonna do this?
...obviously ;)
Quote from: haferhole1 on February 24, 2006, 09:27:51 AM
were u gonna do this?
Sure. Gimme a minute. Gut went ahead and made his own topic. What a dummy :P
Quote from: Parsley on February 24, 2006, 03:15:35 PM
...obviously ;)
Still no clue. :P
Quote from: haferhole1 on February 24, 2006, 09:27:51 AM
were u gonna do this?
NVM. I can't. Ever since matlu made the no edit/delete posts thing you can't "edit" a poll onto here. So just use Gut's.
Omg a poll magically appeared wtf?!!?!
Haha. Thanks "ParSLAY"
I have poo
in my shoe
who are you
I can moo
my name is sue
I like stew.
You're a jew.
Suck for you.
well, i helped a buddy wright this song for his band, but i think it pertains to u assholes fairly well
Head Automatica-Zack Morris is my hero <-- these guys are awsome. lol, have hafer tell u about the fan prank we did when they were over here
heres the story for the jokers who
cant face the fact that the truths the truth.
well i knew a cat named felix
and if it wasn't nailed down and he saw it he would steal it
one night with a knife
he robbed the joint and lost his life
and felix couldnt wait
to choose the wrong and meet his fate, well
i dont really know what somebody said
but truth and consequences can mess with your head
i dont know
is it true?
ill leave it up to you
listen, listen, listen, do you understand the consequence?
listen, listen, listen, do you understand the truth?
i dont imagine that you do
and you get what you give
im brief with you so live and let live
dont question everything
everythings not there for the questioning
and sometimes stuck is stuck
fate is fate, and luck is luck
and felix learned quick
the path of which and where to stick right
the moral of the story is, if ur an asshole, ur gonna get bit in the ass. (i hope they serve beer in hell...)
also, check out five iron frenzy if u get a chance [/advertizing]
[sarcasm] And I bet this rapping attracts EVERYONE to these forums, as opposed to my crappy Oddish stunt. [/sarcasm]
Ultswordsman is retarded
Like holy shit.
I wish I was like The Guest
Cause he's the God Damn Best.
I totally won. lawlz.