Duel Board - Free multiplayer online games

Duel Board => Suggestions / Game rules => Topic started by: Parsley on May 27, 2005, 01:28:43 PM

Title: The World
Post by: Parsley on May 27, 2005, 01:28:43 PM
When you register for CyberBattles you pick one of four teams.

Logging in for the first time you see a map, littered with planets. 

The planets are in one of four colours, representing the team that owns them.

Some of the border planets are flashing, indicating that people are looking to attack.

Each planet has its own particular geography & design (background, features etc.)

Defenders always go first.

Title: Re: The World
Post by: tiraspol on May 27, 2005, 02:16:54 PM
and the point is..............
Title: Re: The World
Post by: ultswordsman on May 27, 2005, 02:44:36 PM
..... (is confused) ???
Title: Re: The World
Post by: Parsley on May 27, 2005, 03:10:33 PM
It's a design suggestion.

The four teams fight each other in order to try to take over the galaxy.

Adds a bit of continuity to the CB theme.

Adds a theme to the theme, in fact.


So imagine, you've got your crack squad of commanders ready, and launch an attack on Planet Alpha... 

3 on 3 the battle rages & finally, after a half hour of taunts and torment your attack succeeds, the defenders flee, and you stake the planet for your team.

But then you realise that you left a couple of newbies alone in the lobby, who've managed to play six games against ZZ and Blitz... Argh, you're going to have to stay up all night to win those back...


Possible mod:

Team gets chosen once per 'war' (until galaxy gets conquered by one colour)

Whichever team conquers the entire galaxy gets their members promoted; game resets and starts over, new teams chosen.
Title: Re: The World
Post by: flamingdragon on May 28, 2005, 03:22:47 AM
Maybe it could be different game.

Like a starcraft type game. (build bases, make armies, gather resources, ect.)
Title: Re: The World
Post by: Bakster on May 28, 2005, 05:11:43 PM
Quote from: flamingdragon on May 28, 2005, 03:22:47 AM
Maybe it could be different game.

Like a starcraft type game. (build bases, make armies, gather resources, ect.)


It's good enough as it is.
Title: Re: The World
Post by: HellsRage666 on May 28, 2005, 05:22:31 PM
leave it alone! It's fine the way it is, im perfectly happy with it. Just play the game. Besides, if u get to pick your team, then people will probably just crowd one team if good ppl are on it.
Title: Re: The World
Post by: flamingdragon on May 30, 2005, 02:15:49 AM
Quote from: Bakster on May 28, 2005, 05:11:43 PM

It's good enough as it is.

I mean make a different game to have world thing with.

I am not talking about changing cyber battles.
Title: Re: The World
Post by: SiR gUt on May 30, 2005, 05:57:09 AM
wow no offense but thats just like mech assualt 2 lone wolf for x box. Just throw that idea in the garbage. :)
Title: Re: The World
Post by: Parsley on May 31, 2005, 12:51:49 PM
Okay... my answers...

QuoteLike a starcraft type game. (build bases, make armies, gather resources, ect.) Maybe it could be different game.

No.  The game is well balanced at the moment in terms of time/resources/world balance etc. 

Perhaps it could do with some extra cards to add interest, and perhaps even out Alien/Mech a touch, but that's something I'm sure people will debate extensively over the next few months.

Quoteleave it alone! It's fine the way it is, im perfectly happy with it. Just play the game. Besides, if u get to pick your team, then people will probably just crowd one team if good ppl are on it.

I think you'll find that good people go for the bad teams (so they can be head honcho), and crap people will flood the good teams.

Teams can be balanced in terms of player levels (restriction/autobalance on number of people with higher ratings)

Quotewow no offense but thats just like mech assualt 2 lone wolf for x box. Just throw that idea in the garbage.

I don't quite get that analogy, because it's not really.  Perhaps I described my concept poorly.

It is somewhat akin to 'other worlds' and 'shattered galaxy' in that groups of teams fight for control of a world/galaxy. 

This idea only came about from FlamingDragon wondering about the notion of continuity and story line - and how it could be applied to Cyber Battles.

I believe this idea could potentially provides this, without interfering with the game play dynamics or mechanics - allowing for it to be relatively easily implemented code-wise, and not piss everyone off with changing how the game itself works.

QuoteIs that a compliment or an insult?   

Title: Re: The World
Post by: flamingdragon on June 01, 2005, 03:17:23 AM
Quote from: Parsley on May 31, 2005, 12:51:49 PM
No.  The game is well balanced at the moment in terms of time/resources/world balance etc. 

I am talking about making a different game!!!!!

Quote from: flamingdragon on May 30, 2005, 02:15:49 AM
I mean make a different game to have world thing with.

I am not talking about changing cyber battles.
Title: Re: The World
Post by: SiR gUt on June 01, 2005, 10:35:37 PM
Sorry parsley, but everything you mentioned is from mech assault 2 lone wolf, so the idea shud be tossed. Nice try though.  Also didnt even work in mech assault, they had so many problems with that. So if matlu even did try doing that it wouldnt even work. Plus DONT CHANGE CYBER BATTLES STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT A NEW GAME ITS SUPPOSE TO BE HOW IT IS NOW SO LETS LEAVE IT ALONE.
Title: Re: The World
Post by: Parsley on June 02, 2005, 04:19:07 PM
I feel like I'm lowering my standards in responding to a SirGut post.



LoneWolf is a 3D isometric third person shoot-em up:

(http://img135.echo.cx/img135/4751/lone9rx.jpg) (http://www.imageshack.us)

My idea is CyberBattles, but instead of a text-based lobby, we have a map:

(http://img135.echo.cx/img135/6429/risk2thumb0035ob.jpg) (http://www.imageshack.us)
{Full Size Image: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/risk2/screens.html?page=4}

If you are inferring that both my idea and LoneWolf use the concept of a 'map', and hence are too similar to bother with... ugh, I can't be arsed.

I sincerely look forward to ignoring your next response,

Yours faithfully,

Title: Re: The World
Post by: Bakster on June 02, 2005, 05:39:22 PM
How will the whole map thing work?
Title: Re: The World
Post by: Parsley on June 02, 2005, 06:54:11 PM
Each team has a home planet, and a selection of border planets.

Planets represent battlegrounds.

Attacks can only be carried out along the green lines.

(http://img216.echo.cx/img216/9274/map3dm.th.png) (http://img216.echo.cx/my.php?image=map3dm.png)

The size of the planet represents the size of the battle.

Small = 2v2 to 3v3; Medium 4v4 to 5v5; Large 6v6 (home planet)

If a person wishes to attack a planet, they simply click on it (Much like 'start game')

Subsequently attackers/defenders join the fray, until the required size of battle is met, and CyberBattles resolves who wins the planet.

A person may, obviously, only attack one planet at a time.


There are some issues with this idea.

The first being that if there is only a home planet left, only 6 players can fight for the survival of the team.  What do the other people in the team do?

The second being, what happens to a losing team?

Also, what should the prize for beating a team be, and for conquering the 'galaxy'... should there be a penalty for losing?  How should the teams be chosen each round? What should the story-line be?

These weren't issues before, but my solutions were a bit too crap, so I thought I would leave them up for debate should the idea catch on.


Thought I would add in some of those ideas...
- Losing team gets given a new set of planets on the outskirt, galaxy expands
- Prizes = promotion; penalty = demotion
- Random team choice
- 6v6; other players are allowed to defect to another team/when 6v6 occurs, the home planet links to other planets so that players can fight on (even though they might still lose completely should their home planet fall)
- etc.

NB. pic above is a mock-up.  And a very bad one at that.

Title: Re: The World
Post by: matlu on June 02, 2005, 07:26:00 PM
I did try to think deeper about your idea (I have no time right now) - but - some time ago you mentioned that you like Civilisation. I think that you are trying to make cyber battles a bit civilisation-like, right?  ;)  Or maybe  "defender of the crown"-like, in case you know this game
Title: Re: The World
Post by: flamingdragon on June 03, 2005, 03:06:58 AM
I like this idea. And who cares wether its like civilisation???

I say make it a different game mode that you can chose. In game selection screen there could be Cyber Battles and then right below it Cyber Battles: Galaxies
Title: Re: The World
Post by: Parsley on June 03, 2005, 12:16:29 PM
Quote+ it would be easy to make it look fantastic in Flash.

I'm afraid it's not possible to mix java with flash. In fact I never programmed in flash and I know very little about it, but it's sure not possible
Title: Re: The World
Post by: SiR gUt on June 04, 2005, 01:44:03 AM
yo parsley my bad bro. I just hate mech assault and i to me the idea was like too mech asaultyish so yea.

BUT i still think cyber battles shud stay the same but if matlu does change it ima just have to deal wit it :)
Title: Re: The World
Post by: flamingdragon on June 04, 2005, 03:37:29 AM
Is anyone even listening to me????

there can be original cyber batlles and one with world and u can choose wich one to play
Title: Re: The World
Post by: exiledragon on June 04, 2005, 03:50:20 AM
You can pay for the extra server costs  :P
Title: Re: The World
Post by: flamingdragon on June 04, 2005, 03:56:30 AM
it costs extra server costs to add a new game onto the site???
Title: Re: The World
Post by: BlitzJoker on June 04, 2005, 05:50:59 AM
From my understanding of server it wouldnt add much a cost, same as adding chess or any other game, it just uses bandwidth. But on the flip-side it will bring more players, so the question is....is the # of players brought overcomming the cost of the bandwidth it uses.
Title: Re: The World
Post by: matlu on June 04, 2005, 09:58:53 AM
Quoteit costs extra server costs to add a new game onto the site???

nope. As BlitzJoker mentioned, it may increase the cost only indirectly, when it starts to use too much bandwidth, but... this is not going to happen soon. Currently the server is basically unused, it could handle much much more people.

But - to add new game means, that SOMEBODY has to create it. And it is time consuming (depending on kind of the game). Not not mention, that somebody has to also create graphics.
It would be nice to have more games, but I'm simply not able to produce new game every week. That's why I add these singleplayer games - they are not programmed by me.

QuoteBut on the flip-side it will bring more players, so the question is....is the # of players brought overcomming the cost of the bandwidth it uses

This will never become a problem. If the number of players increased beyond some level, I would be receiving enough money from advertising to not be worried about fees for the server. I would be only happy to see more people.
Title: Re: The World
Post by: Parsley on June 06, 2005, 07:55:18 PM
Okay, musings aside.

I think that this 'world map' idea should exist as a standalone, if only because otherwise there will be a lot of unhappy people, including myself.

However, effectively it wouldn't be much more than a skin to the current lobby - the only difference being that instead of players having scores, teams will have coloured blocks (countries/planets) representing the number of victories/losses they have scored. 

Matlu - what do you reckon - give it a try, or too much effort?
Title: Re: The World
Post by: matlu on June 06, 2005, 08:27:45 PM
Quote from: Parsley on June 06, 2005, 07:55:18 PM
Matlu - what do you reckon - give it a try, or too much effort?

Ehm, soon (later today) I'll make a post about my future plans


Well, to make it short, I believe that the best thing I could/should do now, is to concentrate on my MUD/MMORPG
Title: Re: The World
Post by: raikoukami on June 06, 2005, 11:59:16 PM
ya you've been talking about your mmorpg how is that comeing out what is it about?
you have and info on that?
Title: Re: The World
Post by: matlu on June 07, 2005, 12:34:44 AM
Quote from: raikoukami on June 06, 2005, 11:59:16 PM
ya you've been talking about your mmorpg how is that comeing out what is it about?
you have and info on that?

I will post detailed info within few days. I'm too tired to write about it right now  :)