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Started by ultswordsman, March 02, 2006, 08:55:58 PM

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every 3 brian cells i think it is controls 1 muscle
well apparently ultswordsman is right because matlu deleted all his posts that showed he put his brain to the test the list post and  everything was deleted and topic gone thats pretty lame if you ask me


Ults, please shut up. Retard.


how about i ask gut what ults aim is and ask him to come and establish that im not him
well apparently ultswordsman is right because matlu deleted all his posts that showed he put his brain to the test the list post and  everything was deleted and topic gone thats pretty lame if you ask me


You could easily both post. This is a forum, I can't see you both.

Only way to establish this is by checking IP's. Give me permission and I will ask parsley to compare them for me.


hmmm and that  would get parsley arrested to..... cause if u  check an ip address without a very valid reason they will look to where you live and arrest you...
well apparently ultswordsman is right because matlu deleted all his posts that showed he put his brain to the test the list post and  everything was deleted and topic gone thats pretty lame if you ask me


Thats the most retardedest thing I've ever heard. Learn what you're talking about before you speak, moron.

Everytime you visit a webpage, webmasters and forums mods can automatically see your IP, how else do you think they do IP bans?

There is nothing about that against the law. That last post led me to conclude 100% that you are ults, only an idiot like him would make such a stupid comment.


Hahahah don't bullshit. I know the_guest's IP adress because he went on my website  :)


yes but im talking about a normal person....like if you or dodger for instance tried now matlu can do it cause this is his site
well apparently ultswordsman is right because matlu deleted all his posts that showed he put his brain to the test the list post and  everything was deleted and topic gone thats pretty lame if you ask me


Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Annnnnndd..... wrong.

Please ults, go away again and quit like you said you would. If you're going to quit, do it like a man and don't make other names on here trying to trick us.

Remember last time you quit and then made the forum name "unknown"

That was pathetic and so is this. End of conversation, come back to me when you get some common sense.


Quote from: the_slayer on March 05, 2006, 02:19:52 AM
yes but im talking about a normal person....like if you or dodger for instance tried now matlu can do it cause this is his site
What does this mean?


as i have said once and will say again talk to gut
well apparently ultswordsman is right because matlu deleted all his posts that showed he put his brain to the test the list post and  everything was deleted and topic gone thats pretty lame if you ask me


Quote from: Dodger on March 05, 2006, 02:22:40 AM
What does this mean?

by that i mean that would be considering hacking a computer unless you were the owner of the site or a very high ranked member  for instance a co manager then you have the right to like you did to guest
well apparently ultswordsman is right because matlu deleted all his posts that showed he put his brain to the test the list post and  everything was deleted and topic gone thats pretty lame if you ask me


Quote from: The_Gu3st on March 05, 2006, 01:58:29 AM
You could easily both post. This is a forum, I can't see you both.

Only way to establish this is by checking IP's. Give me permission and I will ask parsley to compare them for me.

Guest said he would get Parsley to do it, Moderators can see your IP address, see where it says IP LOGGED next to everyones post?


Please shut up ults.


yes dodger i know and guest if your only going to say 1 thing which is un true why dont you go away and let me and dodger talk
well apparently ultswordsman is right because matlu deleted all his posts that showed he put his brain to the test the list post and  everything was deleted and topic gone thats pretty lame if you ask me