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Gamesdomain was very frustrating

Started by killerworm51, February 17, 2006, 11:02:13 AM

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Does anyone remember pleading with the newbies to stop shooting other peoples commanders, yet they shot them anyway and froze the game  >:(

I am glad to have a mostly bug free version of this game to play, or any version at all ;)

Most people at Gamesdomain castle came for the 'Battle Thingz', maybe eventually Matlu could make that, Along with Crypt :D


yup, matlu thankfully fixed that problem. im glad you like cyber battles

Most people at Gamesdomain castle came for the 'Battle Thingz', maybe eventually Matlu could make that, Along with Crypt

i would love to see those happen as well as other people here, but i think matlus planning on finishing his mud game first.  come to think of it, i think hafer, reg, and ults and maby a few others were working on battlethingz, im not sure what happened to that, mabey one of them will post and update us all


Yeah. They stopped. They asked if people could make some graphics...Then nothing happened.



Am I the only one that's totally confused to the purpose of this thread?


Just killerworm saying hey. Small talk Bakster. You should try it  :)


Yes, Just saying Hi, and bringing back some memories from the old Cyberwars ;)

Looking back it was quite funny how we had to beg the newbies not to shoot commanders :D


Quote from: eddie on February 17, 2006, 11:16:46 AM
come to think of it, i think hafer, reg, and ults and maby a few others were working on battlethingz, im not sure what happened to that, mabey one of them will post and update us all
I dont think any of them have the experience to make the game.

And we already discussed the several reasons why it wasnt worth matlu's time to recreate it. :P 

if you are waiting on crypt:
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
-William G. McAdoo


I guess your search button must be broken. ;)

Here you go:
Quote from: zzboots on July 12, 2005, 12:38:06 AM
While I didn't play battle thingz all that often I still played it enough to provide a few comments.

-First off there was always huge gaps between the stronger monsters and weaker monsters.  So people had a limited number of opponents to play against.  Then everyone would try to take advantage of new players.

-Instead of playing the game as it was intended, people would instead trade for points.  One person would kill another person's weak monster and then they would switch.  They put a 5 kill limit to try to stop these trades but they still occurred way too frequently.

-Then of course there was the monster parts themselves.  There were some parts that were always over powering so all of the top players had the same basic monsters.

-I agree that the game was basically just luck.  There really wasn't any skill in picking the right parts once everyone knew what ones were best.  And then it was just picking random actions in order to defeat your opponent.

I don't think battle thingz would be a good game to try to recreate.  I've heard some people saying that they would like to see battleship added to the game.  But I also wouldn't mind seeing mystery monster (a monster filled version of guess who).  Crypt is a lot more adventous adventurous more entertainment and variety.  Perhaps some 3d version of crypt could be the focus of your rpg, matlu.
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
-William G. McAdoo


Quote from: haferhole1 on February 18, 2006, 01:50:29 AM
i dont remember y it was a WAIST, u mind filling me in?

Wow, how did you manage to turn that game into a human body part in the first place? And why exactly did you pick the waist opposed to the pinky finger?


its a very long process involving a hammer and a clock shaped like a cat, which i am not going to tell you, because im sure ur gonna use it to destroy all humanity, and i only have 52 years to live, and i dont want to spend them dead.

as for the waist vs pinky, i like i said, i dont know y it was a waist.  i just kinda picked that part of the body at random

click my egg to get ur own