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Deep-fried Yak Spleens *or* I Do Not Cheat

Started by poison_ivy, January 24, 2006, 12:00:16 AM

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Fleur De Chanson

being a moron has nothing to do with your grades...maybe your smart in sum ways.. but your logic is flawed and thats what makes u a moron. anyways im done argueing with u.. its pointless.. your just gonna keep sayin the same nonesense... i dont give a shit what u think...

SiR gUt

ugh wow you had to bring my msn profile into this hahahahahahaaha a bro ok it was from 2 years ago and i wa sjust typing a bunch of BS, see yet again the immaturity of you comes in affect. No knowledge what so ever.



you claim you dont give a shit what i think, yet you continually reply to what i have to say.

There is no "maybe" to me being smart, its again...the obvious. Song, you also are playing like a broken record. "i dont give a shit what you think, im done argueing, this is pointless"
When Did I Realize I Was God? When I Knelt Down, Started Praying, And Realized I Was Talking To Myself


Lol i dont care when that was typed. My saying stupid things to put other people down and you talking like an absoloute wigger is uncomparable. That is so much more immature its not even funny.

Maybe you can get on those new commercials, say it with me "fees shorty, fees"
When Did I Realize I Was God? When I Knelt Down, Started Praying, And Realized I Was Talking To Myself


Wow, 4 pages in the space of less than a day :o


Quote from: Bakster on January 24, 2006, 04:03:18 PM
Wow, 4 pages in the space of less than a day :o

Well it started out ok....a light hearted exchanges between zz and I...no one went insane on ivy for posting her concerns(like has happened in the past).

Everyone just needs to be more calm, arguing just gets everyone upset and takes up unneeded space and bandwidth on matlu's server.

There is no reason to then escalate from putting down another person's ideas to making jeers at things you couldn't possibly know about. Every person on the internet has a life, regardless if you think it is worth living or not. You may persue your life of material games and things, but other people have different goals and different ways in which they persue happiness. Playing basket ball all the time does not mean you have any more of a life than someone that plays duelboard all the time. I don't see why society seems to view it this way? Just let other people live their lives the way they want.

And no guest, I believe song belongs strictly to zz or me.
MVP zzboots fanclub


playing basketball, street racing and working on cars is valued in society more so than internet gaming for a variety of reasons

What do you get from playing basketball? In shape, a full ride through college, this beautiful body.

What do you get from street racing? friends you can call your friends in REALITY, money, respect

What do you get from working on cars? Money, knowledge of something that will earn me an income as a side job not to mention prevent me from ever paying for a mechanic.

What do you get sitting around playing internet games? You become a recluse to true society, you gain weight, you get out of shape, you start getting the illusion internet friends matter...
When Did I Realize I Was God? When I Knelt Down, Started Praying, And Realized I Was Talking To Myself


You claim to say you have a scholarship on basketball, hold a 4.0 GPA, and you also diss people for their looks, and you have very busy sundays by the sound of it.

Since you play basketball or whatever all sunday, why bother signing up for tournaments?

You got a scholarship to college on basketball? the college must be in Montana (Read :Aw shit, the boss is back if you wanna catch that one.)

You have a 4.0 GPA. Prove it. I can say anything I feel like saying on here too but nothing matter without proof. Ex: I own 3 dodge vipers, a mansion, I starred in 3 multi-million $ movies, I have contracts with Nike and Addidas and was Mr. World for the last 6 years.

You make fun of people for their looks. I bet you don't look any better. If you think you look Godly, go ahead a post a picture, but just to make sure it isnt generic (from the internet), I want you to hold up your ring finger.

But we all know you will somehow find a way to avoid all this or say that you don't care what we think of you or "you dont live and die on the internet" or some half-assed bullshit like that. If you don't care what we think of you, stop defending yourself everytime your name pops up.



Anyone who read all that has just gotten dumber. (I quit halfway though)

Let him live in his own reality guys.  If posting insults on the computer is how he likes to have fun, good for him, sweet life.

Discussion over.

P.S. Ivy still doesn't cheat.  8)
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
-William G. McAdoo


lol wut

Oh my god guess what? I remember Poison_Ivy from gamesdomain. I don't believe you cheat either. SuP? *winks sexfully*

Whoops I forgot... No girls on teh internets!!!111
ZZ, to me you're nothing but one incredibly smokin' hott, built up, knowledgable hunk of man. And yes, I hope you put this in your sig too.
-The very available Song Flower

(Please Copy and Paste This In Your Profile Wink) <<i dont see the point.  Huh


Quote from: TheMcCool on January 24, 2006, 11:47:52 PM
lol wut

Oh my god guess what? I remember Poison_Ivy from gamesdomain. I don't believe you cheat either. SuP? *winks sexfully*

Whoops I forgot... No girls on teh internets!!!111



It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
-William G. McAdoo


Stop laughing at me! God, this is why I quit. Whenever I say something someone like Guest or ZZ has to make fun of it or post some snide comment. Why does everyone hate me?
ZZ, to me you're nothing but one incredibly smokin' hott, built up, knowledgable hunk of man. And yes, I hope you put this in your sig too.
-The very available Song Flower

(Please Copy and Paste This In Your Profile Wink) <<i dont see the point.  Huh


Quote from: TheMcCool on January 24, 2006, 11:57:08 PM
Stop laughing at me! God, this is why I quit. Whenever I say something someone like Guest or ZZ has to make fun of it or post some snide comment. Why does everyone hate me?

Two words: Personal Hygiene
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
-William G. McAdoo