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My Idol - Zoze-effed-up

Started by The_Gu3st, December 30, 2005, 07:50:33 AM

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I have aboultly nothing against Zoze.. I should make that clear up front..

When loged on as guest, repeatedly he teamed with total of 3 on me.  I figured I could take them all, but I was wrong.  I think Matlu should add a an extra mech to cards if your in the top 5.

After losing many games, I got even.. I think I called it quits after 10 game wins.. zoze, you have reason to be pissed at me, sorry.. I'm done raping your stats now.. It was just something I had to get out of my system.  Ask songflower where 500+ points went :)
I dont know, I didnt take them, they were waisted on guests accounts?  It's the kill not the 500 points.  I think everyone knows that!   ;D

So what's the point in me writing this?  not to stamp zoze as a cheater or me as a nut job with a vendeta.  It's honesty!

I think we should all come forward with a real vendeta story!

You know you can throw stones at me and zoze, but don't you all live in glass houses you would like to share?

This should be fun!


acctually silencer ive played this "clan" its 3 - 4 peeps and there all noobs zoze is the best but they move in  a certain pattern were 2 lazers could win it for u

(just noticed the topic)
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Quote from: cDigital on January 02, 2006, 07:09:03 AM
I think Matlu should add a an extra mech to cards if your in the top 5.

Shut up already.

IT's illogical and really starting to bug me.

If you need extra help from matlu maybe you shouldnt be in the top 5..
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
-William G. McAdoo



I thought I'd put this here:

Anti_Christ is cheating with a guest.

Not like anything will be done, just thought it deserved a mention...


How is he cheating? The usual?


Lol.  Bakster, You Crack Me Up.  Let's See, I Played You Once.  I Whispered The Guest And I Had Him Help Me Kill You.   After I Killed You, That Same Guest Killed Me And Won The Game.  Just Curious On How That's Cheating, And Don't Tell Me That You Wouldn't Do The Same Thing If It Was One Of Your Friends.  I Know Everyone Hates Me And I Get Double Teamed All The Damn Time.


That's Possibly The Weirdest Way Of Typing That I've Ever Seen.


lol, what a bunch of morons. Every time he makes a valid point you stray back to the way he types thinking its going to offend him or something.
When Did I Realize I Was God? When I Knelt Down, Started Praying, And Realized I Was Talking To Myself



Quote from: Grave on January 13, 2006, 01:27:05 AM
Lol.  Bakster, You Crack Me Up.  Let's See, I Played You Once.  I Whispered The Guest And I Had Him Help Me Kill You.   After I Killed You, That Same Guest Killed Me And Won The Game.  Just Curious On How That's Cheating, And Don't Tell Me That You Wouldn't Do The Same Thing If It Was One Of Your Friends.  I Know Everyone Hates Me And I Get Double Teamed All The Damn Time.

I'd never team unless the game is scheduled to be teams. Then I would backstab ;D


Quote from: The_Gu3st on January 14, 2006, 02:37:43 PM
Well, he does type weird.

Wasnt this discussed for like a week? yet it still continually gets brought up..lol. Some of you must literally live on the internet
When Did I Realize I Was God? When I Knelt Down, Started Praying, And Realized I Was Talking To Myself


I'm back!!  :D   It's short lived though.  I was grounded from the computer for 2 weeks.  Now I'm moving to the University of Christian Living on Jan 24th.  They have a computer,  but I probably won't spend much time on it.  I'll be living there for 5 months,  I probably won't be back until then.  It kinda looks like this topic has died since I left!!  I was a little worried about it.  Every time I'm in a multi player game, the first one to die alway accuses everyone else of teaming with me though.  It's annoying, but kinda funny too. 


I hope you come back so I can kill you !