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commander graphics?

Started by willie, November 01, 2005, 10:21:11 AM

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adjust the colors of the commanders' uniforms so that there'd be 3 pairs of different colored commanders so in a 6 player game, ppl can call teams by colors like how it used to be in cyber wars.


Not important. But I'll do it anyway...

<edit> On second thoughts, I don't think this is necessary, but I think we should have all the commanders alike...(if only so we can use the mods :P)

<edit2> How is this for a different colour? I didn't really know what bit to change...How does it look?

<edit3> he he That looks awful... ;D What colour should it change to?



Someone move this to the Graphics forum then.


That's exactly what I meant, when we very discussing emote-animations. If there is still interest I could put these commanders into game, and later also do "emotes"?


Yes defiantly. Need more colours though. And I will have to make emotions different colours for the different coloured commanders?


nope, there will be only one commander, but you'll have somehow mark places which will be coloured. Choose some random color, which does not appear elsewhere in this sprite, and mark these places with this color.
Well and these coloured places will probably also need to be shaded, so choose for example pure red color (with Green and Blue components set to zero), and paint these places with shades of red. And this colour will be replaced on runtime with any necessary colour.
So for example if there is some bright red colour in the image (like RGB: 250/0/0) then it will be replaced with some other bright color. If there is dark red (like RGB: 50/0/0) then it will be replaced with some dark colour. This way we can save space significantly .


That's quite confusing, but I think I understand what you mean.

Does that just happen with the emotions? Or with the commander sprites?


There is nothing confusing :) Just take one sprite from those above, and replace "coloured" parts with pure red color (255,0,0) or pure red shades (X/0/0)

There will be only one sprite, but when rendering on the screen the program will replace these red parts with some colour for first player, with other colour for second player, etc. etc

And yes, also animations can be marked in similar fashion. This way we can have only one animation, but each player will have it coloured in his own color.

If it's still confusing I can post some example... ?


No, I understand.

Here is a pure yellow, changing the shades. I will post the other frames later when I can get onto my desktop. On here I can't veiw the separate frames of the animatio n, only the first one.


yeees, exactly like this :) And I will need it in "standard"  128*32 format (3 animation phases and one explosion), like this:

<edit> now I read remaining of your post, ok I'm waiting for more phases :) You don't have to hurry, I won't work on it today, it's quite late here.



There you go... I think that's what you need.

My apologies go to Teh_luggage, for the defacing of your excellent graphic.  :)



<Edit> I posted this because the_guest asked me to! Not because I'm gay!!! OKAY? Nothing wrong with pink anyway....


Is that okay Mat?

To clarify....The yellow commander contains 3 shades. All (255,255,0), but different 'Lumenescence' (120, 100 and 80).