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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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Quote from: virtuoso on December 01, 2005, 01:37:29 AM
BTW, beautiful avatar, dodger ; )

Great ennit? :) Not as beautiful as you Anima  :-*


So...back to riddles.

I am round. I am used in many sports. I am kicked, hit and thrown. I am a slang term for a testicle.

First person to solve it gets 200 points!



Well done! You get 200 points!!!!

Next riddle:

People walk on it every day. It has thousands of sharp green blades. It gets eaten by cows and sheep. What is it?


The sky!....Damn thats not it......GRASS!


Yay! Another 200 points! Dodger is winning!

Next riddle:

I have a face, but cannot talk. I have legs, but cannot walk. I have hands, but no fingers. What am I?

(Two possible answers)


Me. I am the answer.


u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Quote from: Bakster on December 01, 2005, 10:42:21 PM
Yay! Another 200 points! Dodger is winning!

Next riddle:

I have a face, but cannot talk. I have legs, but cannot walk. I have hands, but no fingers. What am I?

(Two possible answers)

Is it a clock? I don't kow what else...


It cant be a clock, it doesnt make sense.


How can five subtract two equal four?
Colt 45 n two zig-zags... baby thats all we need


a clock with to little legs on it (like nickelodion clocks)
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Ults got it right! 200 poinst!

I'd say the second answer is even harder to get, so a massive 500 points is at stake!


a statue with its fingers left out
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


That could be possible, but it wasn't one I was thinking of. Take half a point.