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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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gj haffer ur the smart1
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Two Australians arrive in the U.S with a total of $100. They divide it equally. One of them, seeing a woman complaining about having little money, gave $25 to her.

How much money do the two Australians now have in total?

The answer is not $75.

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Quote from: haferhole1 on November 05, 2005, 04:35:53 PM
Two Australians arrive in the U.S with a total of $100. They divide it equally. One of them, seeing a woman complaining about having little money, gave $25 to her.

How much money do the two Australians now have in total?

The answer is not $75.


100/2 = 50....

50-25 = 25....

50 + 25 = 75...

How can they not have $75 in total? I'll be interested in seeing the answer to this one.   ???


$32.50 they are splitting the money evenly
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


The answer cant be $32.50 because they are asking for how much it is in total


wait the people arrived with $100 dollars from their contry so im going to say they have 50 us dollars give 25 they have 25....or they gave the lady$.25 or a quarter so they have $99.75
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


But he says
Quotegave $25 to her.
Not $0.25.


Maybe it's something to do with Australian dollars being different to American dollars...


I though that. But it still doesn't make much sense.


Quote from: haferhole1 on November 05, 2005, 04:35:53 PM
Two Australians arrive in the U.S with a total of $100. They divide it equally. One of them, seeing a woman complaining about having little money, gave $25 to her.

How much money do the two Australians now have in total?

The answer is not $75.
i think the key here is the tense in the word divide.  they didnt divided (past tense) the money.  they divide (no d) it so they do that regularly instead of one time in the past.  $66.66 if they divide the money equally between the 3 of them (plus the woman) if the man gave the woman the difference of $25 and $33.33 more to her afterwards making the statement about giving her $25 insignificant.  OR $41.66 if they had divided between the 3 of them and then the man having gave the woman $25 more to her afterwards.  thats all i can think of.   :-\


nice try u guys, but nothins right sofar

they split the $100 between the 2 of them giving them 50 each.  theres no austrailian curency involved, or any other curency

click my egg to get ur own


maybe it has something to do with them being australian?


click my egg to get ur own


the lady complaining was 1 of the guys
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


answer the riddle please (even if u solved it, 1st person 2 post answer gets points)

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