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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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y do i keep guessing?

i dont feel like looking up a riddle, its 1 a.m. here, im tyred and im goin 2 sleep

whoever wants 2 post 1 go ahead

click my egg to get ur own


Around and around the FOUR of us rotate, man controls my actions to work he won't be late.


uhhh what was that....
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


I like this riddle:

A patient has fallen very ill and has been advised to take exactly one pill of medicine X and exactly one pill of medicine Y each day, lest he die from either illness or overdosage. These pills must be taken together. The patient has bottles of X pills and Y pills. He puts one of the X pills in his hand. Then while tilting the bottle of Y pills, two Y pills accidentally fall out. Now there are three pills in his hand. Because both types of pill look identical, he cannot tell which two pills are type Y and which is type X. Since the pills are extremely expensive, the patient does not wish to throw away the ones in his hand. How can he save the pills in his hand and still maintain a proper daily dosage?


u break open the pills into a glass of water so like x will be a red powder and y will be like  green powder
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut



Assuming the pills can be cut in half and have equal dosages:

Cut all 3 pills in half
(6 half pills now)
Swallow half of each pill
remove one more X pill from the container.
Cut the extra X pill in half
You have now swallowed exactly 1 of each pill!


Quote from: The_Gu3st on November 06, 2005, 04:12:21 PM

Assuming the pills can be cut in half and have equal dosages:

Cut all 3 pills in half
(6 half pills now)
Swallow half of each pill
remove one more X pill from the container.
Cut the extra X pill in half
You have now swallowed exactly 1 of each pill!



Yeah it was incredibly easy... and I'll pass to anyone who feels like giving it a shot.


kk ill take    uhhhh err.....

i am long i am cute i am furry i am loveable i am stupid what am i (not a dik)
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


another riddle with 1000 answers..
heres 1 that matches descrption perfectly, but im sure its not answer

click my egg to get ur own


yea that matches everything but being stupid (and long)


well, it even says its 54 in long, and what, u think its smart? its a stuffed snake

click my egg to get ur own


i know.  thats y i said its everything BUT being stupid.  i was saying its NOT stupid.  its a cute, furry, lovable, long stupid raccoon.  cute, furry lovable long dog with part of his brain missing.


Blatently a furby, they kick ass.


If you were to answer the following question, you would be lying. Is this true?

I just made it up, I can't be bothered thinking of a solution (if there is one)