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Started by haferhole1, October 05, 2005, 10:25:50 PM

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ask   "which one of you has a map i can see" and then look at the map



Sigh. We have been asked this riddle many a time.

I am assuming that each person is gaurding his respective path, and that you do not know which is which. Something that you failed to point out in your riddle ::).

You ask one of them if the other road leads to the city of safety.

My explanation for this answer lies somewhere in this riddle thread, and I can't be bothered to type it out again.


I don't see how that would work.
Please write out how it would, i'm curious.

But that's not the right answer even if it is correct.
Adun Toridas, Executor.


Find it somewhere in this thread. I already wrote it out and I don't want to again. Assume that I got the answer right. As I did back then.


ask "where is the vilige that you come from?" no matter what, he will point you to the city of safty.

click my egg to get ur own


That's a better answer than mine anyway  ::)


Quote from: haferhole1 on October 25, 2006, 06:27:53 PM
ask "where is the vilige that you come from?" no matter what, he will point you to the city of safty.


The lying one could point you to any other city there is.
There isn't only two cities in the world.
Adun Toridas, Executor.


Quote from: Dodger on October 25, 2006, 03:44:22 PM
Find it somewhere in this thread. I already wrote it out and I don't want to again. Assume that I got the answer right. As I did back then.

Ok, but I have a different answer, it doesn't matter wether yours is right or not, it's not the one I have, which is the one you must get.

But if u want to push it.......
If u ask if a road is the right one, if its not, the lying one would say yes and the truthfull one would say no. And if u ask if it's the right road, and it is, the lying one would say no and the truthfull one would say yes. But you don't know which one is the truthfull one and which one is the lying one,  so this would not be correct. And furthermore, in the riddle it says you can only ask one question to only one person and then get only one answer. So this would not work at all.
WRONG, Dodger
Adun Toridas, Executor.


Nooo...That's not what I meant.

They are gaurding their respective paths right?

Answer AND Explanation

You ask one of the men if the other man would tell you if this path leads to the city of safety.

For example, if you ask one "would the other man tell me that this path leads to safety?" If he answers yes, then you know that the other path is the correct one, as you just asked the man who lies. If he answers no, then you know that this path is the correct one, as you have just spoken to the man who tells the truth.

So you know which man is which depending on if he answers yes or no and know which way to go.

Think about this answer, it is in my own words, but it is definately the right answer.
You want me to go into more detail or draw a diagram or something?


That is the right answer, but that is not what you said the first time.  ::)
And its a little simpler, you just go the opposite way he tells you to go once u ask the question.

No explanation was needed that time by the way.

How is this the same thing you just wrote?
Quote from: Dodger on October 24, 2006, 09:15:40 PM
You ask one of them if the other road leads to the city of safety.
Adun Toridas, Executor.


Yeah, the first one was wrong  ;D



heres another:

You're a cyborg in a pistol duel with two other cyborgs. You have been programmed to fire pistols with an accuracy of 33%. The other two cyborgs shoot with accuracies of 100% and 50%, respectively. the rules of the duel are one shot per-cyborg per-round. the shooting order is from worst shooter to best shooter. thus, you go first, the 50% guy goes second, and the 100% guy goes third; repeat. if a cyborg dies, we just skip his or her turn, obviously. what should you shoot at in round 1 to maximize your chances of survival over time?
Adun Toridas, Executor.


and since the answer is 50/50, u must explain why, BAKSTER.
Adun Toridas, Executor.


btw, Dodgers answer is ok, but not the best, because where in the riddles does it say that the twins know that the other lies or the other tells the truth it sais YOU know not the brothers. Here's another answer to fork in road question:

Say to either of them, "Which road would you tell me is the way to the City TOMORROW?"

If the truth teller was asked, he would tell you the right road because he always tells the truth

If the liar was asked, he knows he would lie and say the wrong way tomorrow, so he must lie and tell you the opposite. Therefore he says the opposite of the wrong way and shows you the right way. Double negative

Either one you ask, you get the correct way.
Adun Toridas, Executor.