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New addition to crew

Started by SiR gUt, September 15, 2005, 11:19:13 PM

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Think Dodger should be added to board members?

5 (62.5%)
3 (37.5%)

Total Members Voted: 8


Yay tea! Spiffing! Can one drink it with my crumpets? We can all sit down and watch jolly cricket. Top ho!


By the way, you do have to bear in mind the differences in population and size of our two countries.
To put things in perspective:

The Surface Area of North America alone is equal to more than  253 times the surface area of England.

The average population of North America is more than 320 million, compared to Englands 50 million.
Is it suprising that America is slightly more dominant? And these are just the figures for North America.


Haha that is what I am saying..............

So all you Brits can continue you bash America's "flaws"(as you claim).....just take into mind that a country so "flawed" can still beat the shit out of yours.  :D


I think that what I'm saying is that America wins out of the pure volume of people. Not because they are better.

Anyone think we should drop this argument and agree to disagree?


So...........we will still win?  ::)

And thats of course assuming I agree that America is less capable.....which I do not agree but I don't like arguing with feeble minded, stubborn Brits.


Anima, you can't just go around throwing numbers like that... show the place you got your info from.

Dodger, either way, we still win. And population doesnt have too much to do with it, we're better at fighting too  ;D

If China invaded us tomorrow, we'd win... still. Do that math of those populations, buddy.


Well...this went a little off topic.


lol why did you make "off" bold? shouldn't you have made "little" bold? or both "off topic"? That confuserized me  ???


Yep, fixed it. Confused myself too. ;)


Here are some quotes you might like, Anima:

There are three kinds of lies - lies, damned lies and statistics.  ~Benjamin Disraeli

Statistics can be made to prove anything - even the truth.  ~Author Unknown


Quote from: BlitzJoker on September 20, 2005, 05:37:08 AM
Here are some quotes you might like, Anima:

There are three kinds of lies - lies, damned lies and statistics.  ~Benjamin Disraeli

Statistics can be made to prove anything - even the truth.  ~Author Unknown

A quote for you:

Shut the Fuck Up.
~ Bakster

Sorry, but it makes myself laugh! :D I have a stoopid sense of humour.


Quote from: anima on September 20, 2005, 12:29:38 AM
Yes the Brits are definetly stubborn dumbass. How else would you survive the blitz?!
But, we arent feeble minded. Bold statement coming from a country where 1 in 10  don't know that the Sun is a star, 1 in 50 believe they have been abducted by aliens, 1 in 5 believe in alien abduction, 1 in 2 dont know that the Earth orbits the sun annually and only 25% of American adults got passing grades in a survey by the National Science Foundation of what people know about basic science and economics

Like i said before, you may own in war, but maybe you should learn to control premature ejaculation, facts state that americans havent mastered that yet ;)


Can you say OWNED?

Nobody cares about your stupid quotes, get some facts!!


Bakster, you moron.

Those quotes that Blitz gave were directly related to the post Anima made with all those "facts". All that is bullshit, and until we see a reliable source where he got those from, we won't believe it. Anyone can make up a bunch of crap and post it on the net, doesn't make it true.


Quote from: The_Gu3st on September 20, 2005, 05:14:55 PM
Bakster, you moron.

Those quotes that Blitz gave were directly related to the post Anima made with all those "facts". All that is bullshit, and until we see a reliable source where he got those from, we won't believe it. Anyone can make up a bunch of crap and post it on the net, doesn't make it true.

The_Gu3st is 72.4245% less intelligent than Bakster. If that is possible.


Quote from: Bakster on September 20, 2005, 08:35:14 PM
The_Gu3st is 72.4245% less intelligent than Bakster. If that is possible.

No, it's not possible since your intelligence is equal to 0.

And here is it drawn(in an indirect proof) out for you.

Suppose The_Guest's intelligence(g) is 72.4245% less than Bakster's actual intelligence(b). It is also given that Bakster's intelligence(b) is equal to zero.

(.724245)0=g ...thus... 0=g




g=0 and b=0, by the transitive property of equality g=b


g is not 72.4245% less than b, it is equal.

And no, I am not saying The_Guest's intelligence is equal to zero, g represents your proposed numerical value for The_Guest's intelligence.

Quote from: Bakster on September 20, 2005, 04:01:52 PM
Nobody cares about your stupid quotes, get some facts!!

Ok since facts are so easy to come by these days it seems.

1 in every 5 British people can't tell a square from a circle, and 50% of those spelt it "cercal".

5 in every 6 Brits can't convert AM/PM time to the standard(24 hour) clock time, and 1 out of those 5 failed because they couldn't read an analogue clock.

95% of Brits have bad teeth. 94.99% being from the drinking of tea.

Oh and heres an interesting one, 99.99% of Brits think their tiny island can conquer the world.

Hopefully you caught on that I made them up, but I am just supporting Guest's claim that his statistics need to have proven studies by reputable companies to be taken into consideration. Though they could still be horribly wrong.