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Cyber Battle Screenshots

Started by Bakster, August 09, 2005, 04:27:40 PM

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well here it is hope it looks good.
Now that would be an eccumenical matter


It doesn't look good. You havn't cropped it properly.


Now that would be an eccumenical matter


Go find a thread where I have already explained this  ;)


can you tell me where it is, i cant find it
Now that would be an eccumenical matter


Haha...that was a great game!

Ted dominated with his mech army (although I did have a spider). Then Cdigi electropulses his commander (LMAO!!), and just to rub it in, I hypnotized his tentacle at the same time (His only remaining monster)
I was laughing my ass off, and got a bit overconfident, and stuck my 5 defence commander where he could be attacked by his 7 str jetpacked commander :'(
Then Digi and Ted had a war...I thought it would go on to turn 35 because of all the force armor and stuff....but Ted got lucky :P



Ted pwned you both, TWICE. It had nothing to do with luck.
Now that would be an eccumenical matter


The luckiest game ever:

Jaboc50 has disconnected, so it was me and Anti.

I had a real tent charging towards him, so he managed to summon a REAL pred! The pred quickly owned all my monsters, and moved to the beacons I was hiding in.
I mutated the pred, only for it to become a spider. I became frustrated and tried to summon a 10% mech. IT WORKED!
Not only that, but the mech failed to kill the Spider with its normal attack, but the RANGED ATTACK KILLED IT!

ROFL!!!! :D

Then I quickly won.



Wow, I must admit thats a pretty shitty hand, but I've seen worse.


In this game I was in control at 3 tanks at one point.  Happened awhile ago but forgot to post it.
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
-William G. McAdoo


I won that game btw, I attacked him really quickly (I had the first turn), but I forgot what I killed him with.


no, this is the worst...hand...ever!
Now that would be an eccumenical matter


lol ted, you suck at cropping images.


Damn...I need to get a worser hand!! I will not be beaten!!