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Started by matlu, August 05, 2005, 11:26:50 PM

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ok, this site NEEDS some terms of service. I will try to write down something soon


1. Thou shalt not cheat
2. Thou shalt not abuse thy neighbour


That is simple and to the point; I like it.

** But what about penalties?

How about?  If caught breaking the rules ALL accounts deleted, then BANNED after having delivered a trojan that downloads child porn in which we would promtly report them to the fedral authorities to be convicted of child pornography laws, there by going to jail, getting strip searched by a prison guard before becoming the new fish.  Just a thought**

I don't think this is harsh enough punishment, any ideas?



Everyone ignore them for a whole day, pretending they're not there.
ZZ, to me you're nothing but one incredibly smokin' hott, built up, knowledgable hunk of man. And yes, I hope you put this in your sig too.
-The very available Song Flower

(Please Copy and Paste This In Your Profile Wink) <<i dont see the point.  Huh


1. we're talking about actual rules... meaning we need realism and seriousness involved...

2. matlu said that HE would post the rules... meaning we dont really have any input right now, if any later...

3. we can always just add the rule "worship adam"  ;D


.................................................................... :(

But on a serious note, we definetly need rules and ways to enforce them.

There will probably be people who say, that they didnt know there were rules, and claim to not be able to find them. However, that is there responsibility.


Quote2. matlu said that HE would post the rules...

Bakster basically posted complete set of rules :) I don't think I can add something new. I just have to make it longer and write a  bit more about it, so it looks more important :)


wow.. i thought you were gonna be creative with the rules rather than stating utter obvious where if theyre broken then that person should know he broke a rule or just be too stupid to realize and not belong around here....  :D


Quoteperson should know he broke a rule or just be too stupid to realize and not belong around here.... 
the second case is quite common I'm afraid. People seem to break even VERY obvious rules


well doing it and knowing what youre doing is 1 thing but doing it and having no idea its wrong is just stupid... stupidity should be banned... but then again look at what youd be left with... damn near no one... :D


How about this:

Cheating for points will be punished. Why? If everyone cheated there would be no reason to have a top 20 scoreboard, or even to record points at all. What's considered cheating? One way is to give each other points with guest accounts over and over. But it's not limited to that. Just use common sense. Don't cheat unless you want to be punished.

The first offense your name will be deleted and you will have to start over. Second offense, your IP will be banned. Third offense, a crate of monkeys will be mailed to your house. They will have been sedated before mailing, but upon arrival it will wear off and they will break out of the crate. They will invade your home and throw feces everywhere. After a few minutes of that they will turn on you, overpower you and hold you down, and then proceed to give you crazy monkey-love.
ZZ, to me you're nothing but one incredibly smokin' hott, built up, knowledgable hunk of man. And yes, I hope you put this in your sig too.
-The very available Song Flower

(Please Copy and Paste This In Your Profile Wink) <<i dont see the point.  Huh


nah... that might provoke some to cheat....


... I just realized we never got these rules. Lol


Quote from: The_Gu3st on October 03, 2005, 09:36:00 AM
... I just realized we never got these rules. Lol
well for short time I was very enthusiastic to write something down (because I got upset by someone), but later I calmed down


Crazy monkey love?
wow, HEHE thta was creative.
creating guest accounts to give away points with is cheap as hell, is there any way to catch it though?