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role playing

Started by th3_gu3st, November 13, 2006, 11:55:37 AM

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Dodger knows nothing about the ways of the demon.


What r u talking about, of course he does. He is one.
Adun Toridas, Executor.


(Apoligizes about the flaming Dragon hide joke...I was just making an inside joke at Dragon's expense and I guess I should of actually explained it wasn't his hide I was wearing just armour that resembled it.

Also you guys are really destroying the Red Moon Inn. anyone eles care to do anything besides me? Lastly I will try to post shorter role playing info for the Cursades benifit since he cant read well obviously and only can read comic book print).

Kram gets up from the bar (or what is left of it) and walks over to the lounge. He begans a search for two books in particular.

"There is a book about how to thoughtly piss off anything proably especially blue dragons and demons"
Its just my opinion deal with it for I will change the world.



*Activates darkness spell so Karm cant read.*
And no bakster, u do not have an anti-darkness spell!

And stop apologizing, it's driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A guy who apologizes for sarcastic remarks will rip a tear in the time-space continuum!
Adun Toridas, Executor.


Quote from: Karm5000 on November 20, 2006, 08:27:21 PM
(Apoligizes about the flaming Dragon hide joke...I was just making an inside joke at Dragon's expense and I guess I should of actually explained it wasn't his hide I was wearing just armour that resembled it.

Also you guys are really destroying the Red Moon Inn. anyone eles care to do anything besides me? Lastly I will try to post shorter role playing info for the Cursades benifit since he cant read well obviously and only can read comic book print).

Kram gets up from the bar (or what is left of it) and walks over to the lounge. He begans a search for two books in particular.

"There is a book about how to thoughtly piss off anything proably especially blue dragons and demons"

What's with the hate? I can read better than you, and I can also spell. Who the hell is The Cursade?

Time to correct some other obvious spelling/grammar mistakes in that post of yours.

"should of" = should have
"cant" = can't
"thoughtly" I have no idea what this is meant to be
"probably especially"...That makes no sense at all


Back to the RP

*Does nothing*


Well since this is now a turn-based RP b/c I just declared it to be so, we must wait for karm's action.
Adun Toridas, Executor.



*restarts the whole game*  now the moon is fine and  nothing has happened yet :P

ults jumps on the roof cloaks himself and readies his bow


*jumps up from behind and shanks ults*

click my egg to get ur own


*Watches the action while eating an ice cream*


*Shocks ice cream out of Bakster's hand*
Adun Toridas, Executor.


*Kram attacks the darkness with magic missile,  and a bag of Cheetos and a can of mountain dew appear. Also he laughs at Bakster for getting ice cream shock.*

(TC has really no life if he wastes his time correcting other peoples mistakes. Are you going to do that to me every time I post?)

Its just my opinion deal with it for I will change the world.




(honestly does it really matter that much?)
Its just my opinion deal with it for I will change the world.



Quote from: Karm5000 on November 27, 2006, 06:48:19 PM
*Kram attacks the darkness with magic missile,  and a bag of Cheetos and a can of mountain dew appear. Also he laughs at Bakster for getting ice cream shock.*

(TC has really no life if he wastes his time correcting other peoples mistakes. Are you going to do that to me every time I post?)

When I can be bothered.

*Kills everyone*