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Real life stories and events

Started by Karm5000, September 25, 2006, 05:18:14 PM

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Okay ladies and gentalmen ( I am seriously streching that discription of you people) I know we all try to avoid reality in our own ways (don't deny it because it will be proven a lie) so I want to open up a general disscusion to real life stories.  Something like the game stories except that you actually have to have real life expereanices to particapate.  Now I am really riding on the hope that most of you (hopefully alll of you actually) have a life or live one outside of the computer to begin with but that does not exclude weird computer stories from the mix that two happens in real life (sort of).  So if you have a memory that you can or would like to share and or discuss about go right ahead and do it. 

A few guidelines I would apprecitae everyone including myself could follow.  Rules are made to be broken or bent so this way if I ask to stay roughtly within the guidelines it might actually work we'll see.

1. No unnessicary insults.  If it does not need to be typed don't type it.  Think about what you have to say.  I know thats hard for everyone (including me) but at least show a little effort.

2. NO SWEARING.  You can express yourself with better words then "f**k".  That goes with all other forms of swear words.  The people who created the english language didnt make up all those words and meanings to them just so they could take up space in a book.  Try to use them and if you must insult with some intellect.

3.  Try to spell out the words you type for clarity.  "lol" and short forms like that are okay and readable for everyone just don't over use short forms.  Thats a request by me.

Otherwise have fun and enjoy the somewhat organized chaos and madness that will follow in this topic for I know it will.  I would add a story, but right now I have to rush off to class for I am late. 
Its just my opinion deal with it for I will change the world.




Quote from: Karm5000 on September 25, 2006, 05:18:14 PM
Okay ladies and gentalmen ( I am seriously streching that discription of you people)

You spelt two words wrong in that sentence.  :P
Adun Toridas, Executor.


yeah well whatever, I didn't have time to use the handy and very cool spell check feature okay?

Now for my real life story:  Apparently I don't recall any of this but my friend told me all about what had happened.

I was in a grade school called St James, a catholic school, and was heading home on an average afternoon after school had finished for the day.  I was a dark disturbed kid back then and was very anti social.  As I was walking, a group of kids from a rival school called Dalewood, which was a public school attacked me and stole my backpack.  Then they started to beat me up. Well, my friend Matt happend to see this and he hated that particular group of hoodlums so he charged into the fray and hit one of the guys in the face.  Now Matt was the fighter and tough rugby/football type.  He was the resident Brawler of St James Catholic school, so when he hit the kid in the face, he knocked him out cold.  The other two guys watched their friend get knocked unconscious and ran off.  The came back with seven of their friends, and Matt called over his two big brothers who were with him.  A three vs 10 brawl erupted right there behind the school.  I was still there and apparently had watched the whole thing but now I can't recall anything that had happened. I do remember him beating all of them with a two by four and something else that his brothers had brought for the fight and now whenever I bring up past events Matt says "remember the time I came over and saved your butt from a group of Dalewood kids?" Him and his brothers Tim and Mike are still remembered for it in the school to this day!

That's my story hope it makes sense.  Now who's next?  ;D

"You really hate us, don't you? "<Love

Oh please Love, its not that hard to tell a real life story.  Don't be so sensitive. 
Its just my opinion deal with it for I will change the world.



lol this is a bit crappy on my part but  for the past week for some reason the school has erupted into a major nut-tag contest ive been hit about  17 times and i got about  10 people so now every1 is walking around with their binders and stuff covering their jewels :)


That's a really.......straight thing to do.


Quote from: Dodger on September 27, 2006, 12:28:41 AM
That's a really.......straight thing to do.

Dodger finds that to be a straight thing to do. This is because he is homosexual. Refer to my previous posts proving this even further. Not to mention the wiki that we made.


Ok, out of complete boredom, I am going to share what happened approximately a week ago. I went on a vacation for 5 days to Washington D.C two weeks ago during the weekend and came back to find the house infested with ants. Big, red ants. So, I went and got some Raid to kill them. My sister was visiting from college today and was studying at a table close to the kitchen when ants started to come around her. She took the raid and made some sort of shield around her, so the ants couldn't get close.

So, at around 1 a.m, parents are asleap and I'm sitting and chatting with her when we see this ant. It come to the liquid sheild and tries to get over it an suceeds. In case you didn't know, Raid is a nervous-toxin, which means it attacks the Central Nervous System and it paralyzes your whole body, therefore you die.

So anyways, this ant gets past the so called sheild and starts to twitch. It was fun watching it in a weird, sadistic sort of way. It would swagger here an there til it finally died after about 30 seconds. So that got us thinking, if we just cover the areas he ants are coming from with Raid, they won't be able to escape.

So, we have this wine-cooler next to us and we determined it was one source of the ants. I spray the wine cooler and all is good, then, something wierd happened. A ****ing HUGE cockroach, like a mutant, gargantuan cockroach crawls out of it squirming. My sister and I literally jump back because this was not a natural cockroach, it was on steriod or some shit. So at this point my sister is freaked out and I'm like "what the ****, I did not expect that"

So, my sister is still sitting in her chair with her books in front of her, watching this cockroach twitch and squirm. I went to go get a shoe to kill it and when I came back she's still watching it. So, just as I'm about to kill it, something else crawls out from under the wine cooler. All we see is a head, and it closely resembles a snake. My sister screams this god-awful, bloody, ear shattering scream. I jump the **** back because I think its a snake and I'm like ohh shit. It keeps coming out when we realize its a lizard. A huge, buff, Arnold Schwarzenegger-like lizard. There is no doubt in my mind it was on steroids and ate the equivalent of 10 Big Macs a day in ants and roaches.

At this point, my sister and I are officially freaked out. I get the Raid and and douse the lizard in it, not really expecting it to fully work. It was crazy. Its tail randomly fell off and started twitching and then the lizard was rolling over and over and twitching like a psychotic mad-man until it finally croaked. But yeah, that was weird. We need an exterminator or something, soon.

The Guest is officially weirded out. I keep wondering what else is living in the corners and crevices of my house.




Well I guess I was upstaged but I don't feel so bad about it.  Great story Guest!
And thanks for censoring what you could I appreciate it as I hope everyone else does.  Its much more fun to add in the missing word then just to read it.  That's what I think.  I guess its time for story # two. Here's a famous one of mine:

I was running late to school and was in a big rush early one morning on a wed. or something.  I was the middle of the week and I had class at about 8am and it was 10min to eight when finally got out of bed got dressed, grabbed a lunch and got out of the house.  Without even double checking my mountain bike I hopped on it and took of never realizing that a nut in my front wheel was loose.  I love to ride fast so naturally since I was running late, I started to pedal really quickly.  Then I got up of my bike seat and stood up on my bike pedals to go faster that was when my front tire dislodged from my bike and sent my whole body flying. What had happened was that I had zoomed over a small crack in the sidewalk and that had cause the nut that held my front tire on to come loose completely.  I was going so fast that my momentum shot me forward and over my handle bars, while I was still holding on to them.  I blanked out, hit the top of my forhead off some part of my bike or the sidewalk and landed on my a**.  When I came too I didn't know how long I was out, my bike was laying beside me and I felt a huge amount of pain in my left shoulder.  I am not joking here I was crying in pain and couldn't move my entire left side without hurting myself.  I sat there for I maybe five minutes until three elderly ladies came walking by.  By that time I had recovered my senses and they stopped to ask what was wrong.  I told them all I could and they fetched my mom and she came to help me up and drove me to the emergency.  I had to wait freaking forever! Till someone finally took a look at me and sat me down in the emergency room.  I was still in a freaking S***load of pain and it was hard for me to move and for some odd reason my head throbbed a little.  I didn't know I hit my head I found that out about FIVE HOURS LATER!  That was when a doctor finally came and took a close look at me.  My mom and I told him everything that I had remembered that had happened to me and after that he told me that not only had I broken my left collar bone like a twig, but that I had a concussion too from hitting my head severely off of something.  I was like great I had a serious concussion and you could have come sooner and told me that?  Needless to say that I had two months to recuperated and heal up, but after all that my left collar bone didn't heal properly, mainly because I wouldn't wear the arm brace that was way too uncomfortable and a B*%^# to wear, so it has been the same since and whenever I move or stretch out my left arm I get this horrible cracking noise coming form where I broke my collar bone. 

Still hurts still in pain and got rid of that annoying arm brace.  Overall I'm glad I didn't break my neck.

Oh and as to the last story, yeah poor lizard I feel sorry for him too.  :'(
Its just my opinion deal with it for I will change the world.



what i wanna know is why didnt he pick up the lizard and sell him to a pet store if he really was that big  thats like 75 dollars sitting there he killed


Here's one of many insanely stupid things I have done in my life:

This was about 6 months ago. I had the morning off school, so I got ready to walk to the bus stop in the afternoon. I got my coat, bag etc and walked for 20 minutes or so to the bus stop (only one public bus goes directly to my school). I waited for the bus, got on, paid the fare and sat down. A load of people from my year group were on. I reached to my shoulders to remove my bag in order to sit down...and there was nothing there! It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't have coursework for which the deadline was on that day and no later. I had a big panic attack, ran off at the next bus stop and walked all the way home to find my bag laying on the table. Then I walked back to school again with my bag. I wandered into class half an hour late, naturally everyone knew about the happenings and laughed at me. Of course I wasn't expecting any less. My parents never found out about this, and never will. I am very secretive, and they would have plenty of reasons to kill me if I told them everything :P

I still ask myself to this day "How the hell did I not notice that I didn't have my bag?"


ummm prolly the same way i forgot my very heavy back pack i was so relaxed that im like ok i got everything off i go and then you look its like shabab omg were is it