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riddles revived

Started by ultswordsman, May 12, 2006, 05:23:23 PM

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ok were gonna start over som1 post a riddle
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut



You have no skill at magic tricks, yet you make a bet with your friend for $25. You tell him to pick a card, take a look at it, and put it back in the deck. You then shuffle the deck as many times as your friend wishes. You will then hand back your friend's chosen card. Even though you possess no magic skill whatsoever, and you have no idea what your friend picked, you can still win this bet. How?

click my egg to get ur own



click my egg to get ur own


The bet for $25 wasn't that you would find his chosen card

Maybe it was that you WOULDN'T find his chosen card
I am a firm believer that the integral of e^x = f(u)^n, or, in mathematical notation: sex = fun.


The fact that his friend would take that bet is even more ludicrously stupid than my suggestion of him getting lucky.

Therefore it must be correct.


he handed back the whole deck, including the chosen card


Quote from: MathWiz20 on May 12, 2006, 11:21:56 PM
The bet for $25 wasn't that you would find his chosen card

Maybe it was that you WOULDN'T find his chosen card
Quote from: haferhole1 on May 12, 2006, 06:37:24 PM
You will then hand back your friend's chosen card.

Quote from: Bakster on May 12, 2006, 11:30:03 PM
The fact that his friend would take that bet is even more ludicrously stupid than my suggestion of him getting lucky.

Therefore it must be correct.

as logical as that is, no

Quote from: Ninja-Pope on May 12, 2006, 11:52:37 PM
he handed back the whole deck, including the chosen card

good job ur holy-ness, and welcome to the forums

click my egg to get ur own


Here's a riddle:

If 1+1 = 2, what does 2+1 =?


Useless topic, keep the riddles in the riddles thread.


ok ill post a riddle what kind of nut has no shell  :P
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


Five men were travelling along a lane. It began to rain. Four of the men quickened their step and got wet. the fifth man did dont quicken his step but remained quite dry. he did not have an umberealla or hat. how can this be?
u dumbass guest that was easy to quest thanks to gut


sweet zombie jesus! ults posted a RIDDLE!! i think we gotta give him some props for this 1 u guys.  congrats ults.  welcome to the smarter side of duelboard.  now all u need it to spell fiqure right and ull be set!

as for ur riddle, could it be that the 5th man was traveling in a car or another type of vehicle or that he was in a building of some sort

click my egg to get ur own


Quote from: Bakster on May 13, 2006, 12:16:28 AM
Here's a riddle:

If 1+1 = 2, what does 2+1 =?

The answer to this riddle was obviously cauliflower. Idiots.


Quote from: ultswordsman on May 14, 2006, 09:00:27 AM
Five men were travelling along a lane. It began to rain. Four of the men quickened their step and got wet. the fifth man did dont quicken his step but remained quite dry. he did not have an umberealla or hat. how can this be?

The one that remained dry was in a coffin, and the others were his bearers.
I knew this one already.  ;D
Adun Toridas, Executor.